close your eyes
March 5, 2008 at 11:28:00 PM CET

[music, songs]

There is a song on Loveless I never warmed up to: To Here Knows When. It sounds like a tape being played on a crappy tape deck which cannot hold a constant speed. Like when my old Saba cassette recorder from 1975 tried to play classical piano music. I have become rather allergic to that sound even more than to half-boiled potatoes which I can't stand neither and I prefer that musicians leave the whining to the dogs. They are better at it. More authentic, if you know what I mean. Another thing which bothers me about the song is that I cannot hear a tune. Just annoying melody bits covered in a muddy production. Bilinda Butcher's soft hushed voice doesn't save it at all, its unobtrusiveness even aggravates the dullness factor. I can say two positive things about the original version by My Bloody Valentine though. First the lyrics - don't laugh - and second the coda. The lyrics could be about this great thing called sex (after a long abstinence?), just have a look at the second verse:

Slip Your dress Over your head It’s been so long Move On top Because that way You touch her too

The coda sounds rather neutral and serves perfectly to rise the tension. It is a phantastic interlude before the next song. During its minute or so in my head I anticipate the blasting start of When You Sleep, my fave song on the album, a glorious, kicking wake-up song if there ever was one.

Why all this talk? Because I heard a version of To Here Knows When - by a band that covered the whole MBV album - which reveals the hidden beauty of that song. It is calm and reserved. The cello which takes the part of Bilinda Butcher's voice to me sounds like a child cautiously caressing a wild animal. The dead original is resuciated into a fragile and sensitive being. The coda isn't as good though and the next song is a pretty boring cover of my fave on Loveless. But that's okay with me. Like REM they come from Athens, Georgia and not so like REM they can often not hide a certain penchant for country music.

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March 4, 2008 at 10:23:00 PM CET


"Alles ist relativ ausgenommen die Liebe."

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March 3, 2008 at 11:10:00 PM CET

[schwarze milch der fruehe]

sehr seltsam, wie sie alle auf dem littell herumschlagen im deutschen feuilleton. als wollten die sich die interpretationshoheit über die verbrechen unserer vorfahren nicht nehmen lassen. dieses immer alles besserwissen ist wirklich zum kotzen. auch die diskussion im berliner ensemble wird überall verrissen. dabei war sie auf französisch recht interessant. und littell hat sehr bedächtig und gut verständlich gesprochen. zwar nicht auf alle fragen geantwortet, aber doch keineswegs hauptsächlich geschwiegen. er brauchte etwas, um warmzuwerden. ein dolmetscher für zwei personen, die man in der übersetzung dann kaum noch auseinanderhalten kann, was ein witz. sehr dilettantische organisation. ziemlich langweilig cohn-bendit, seine stimme und sein akzent bzw. tonfall im französischen nicht sehr angenehm anzuhören. ihn hat das buch aber anscheinend beeindruckt. dass max aue keine reue zeigt in dem buch weil littell nazis so ein gefühl wie reue nicht zugesteht bzw. weil es kaum je einen nazi gegeben hat, der dieses gefühl gezeigt hat, ist extrem plausibel. wie noch so einiges andere.

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[music, songs]

sleeping is bad for you

smoking isn't good for me #1 yesterday after lunch - a delicious curry with green chili sauce, vegetables and prawns - i moved over to the mauve leather sofa in the living-room and switched on the jukebox to listen to some music. the jukebox was in shuffle mode, i need surprises without them i feel like a dead man. don't remember anymore what the first song was. i was drowsing, not slumbering yet, just a second or two before - my favourite state. a life in semi-somnolence, that would be it. anyways a song came up i hadn't heard before. i thought this wasn't possible. how could i not know of this song? one of those songs which seem familiar but aren't yet. or maybe they are because they reside in your brain even if you have never listened to them. in everyone's brain. in the general unconscious. i forgot the jungian or freudian term, whatever. the song is called sweet charity. the album california. the band is mr. bungle. i think the singer is the same as the one from faith no more whom i don't know neither. funny guy. seems to lack in attention span. he has to change the rhythm and tune of his songs at least every 30 seconds. a musical chamaeleon. a little bit like zappa especially concerning the jazz influences (not too apparent here though). but he has the better voice and he doesn't annoy me as much. bobaba. bobaba. bobaba. is there anything cooler than that?
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February 27, 2008 at 9:24:00 PM CET

[music, songs]

where does all the time go?

i was playing shuffle on my hd. a couple of not so interesting songs (by the carpenters, julie doiron, belle & sebastian, tre etc.) came on and then i skipped to a track which was immediately familiar but which i couldn't nail. i knew that i liked it but it took me a second or two to access my memory. it is the last track from massive attack's 100th window. the song is called antistar. in the beginning there is this rather menacing, often repeated hypnotic guitar theme (stereo speakers are a must). 100th window came out in early 2003. just before the us invaded iraq. the war was in the air. and massive attack do a groovy song with lots of arabic ornaments. i loved the album then and i love it now. praschl liked it and marcello too (scroll down for feb., 18th). the wide public didn't. it was five(!) years ago, totally unbelievable. i was convinced it was only a couple of months ago. i remember walking around at night in the snowy fields nearby with the now defunct discman, listening to this album and feeling pretty alienated. waiting for the apocalypse to come and almost enjoying it. the song is nearly twenty minutes long. there are a couple of pauses in the middle, i don't really know why. the second half is less interesting, just some playing around with the synthie. still quite charming. i think i am living in the past. and what about massive attack? anything new after that soundtrack with the black cat on the cover? i dunno.


Can you lick my wounds please Can you make it numb And kill the pain like cortizone And grant me intimacy How'll we split your chromosomes

Yeah more sweet narcosis Yeah more sweet narcosis (i'll turn a stone i'll find you) Yeah more sweet narcosis (i'll turn a stone i'll find you)

I turn a stone i'll find you there Into reflected light i'll stare You blind me with flash bulbs And puzzle me with syllables

Back to sleep Yeah more sweet narcosis (i'll turn a stone i'll find you) Yeah more sweet narcosis (i'll turn a stone i'll find you) Yeah more sweet narcosis (i'll turn a stone i'll find you)

My heads between my knees again Got needle set to zero And you can shoot me hurricanes Don't spare me the details

Yeah more sweet narcosis (i'll turn a stone i'll find you) Yeah more sweet narcosis (i'll turn a stone i'll find you) Yeah more sweet narcosis

More sweet More sweet Iconography fucks with me You look great in bloodstains

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February 22, 2008 at 11:38:00 PM CET


warum intelligente frauen nur so häufig jammern müssen? da muss man nicht mal als mann intelligent sein, um auf so was nicht zu stehen.

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February 21, 2008 at 9:03:00 PM CET

[music, songs]

It is late summer in Porto Alegre right now

Musical discovery of the day: Adriana Calcanhotto. They played a song by her on the local radio station this morning when I was on my way to work. What a nice soft tune to wake up to. A perfect marriage of mellowness with melancholy. It's called Justo Agora and I asked myself all the time what "agora" meant in Portuguese. It has nothing to do with market place really. It just means "now". And the translation of "justo agora" is of course "just now". I didn't get anything out of the rest of the lyrics, the Google translation does not yield a lot of deep meaning. But the way Adriana Calcanhotto pronounces "agora" totally blows my mind. Her voice sounds like that of a young girl (she was 37 at the time of the recording) when she says that word. Three syllables consisting of only five letters of which three are vowels; the whole word sounds so open. The stress is on the second, long syllable "go", not on the first as in Greek. But most amazing is the way she stretches the "a" at the end. As if she wanted to extend the "now" far into the future. The kind of thing which charms and enchants me. Something else I learnt about the song was that it apparently is not Bossa Nova - as I assumed it was - but Música Popular Brasileira (MPB) which according to Wikipedia "is not a discrete genre but rather a constellation that combines original songwriting and updated versions of traditional Brazilian urban music styles like samba and samba-canção with contemporary influences, from folk to rock and pop." The song is on her 2002 album Cantada (English: teaser).

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February 20, 2008 at 11:17:00 PM CET

[music, songs]

Good night

If you could read my mind, love, What a tale my thoughts could tell.

(Johnny Cash doing a Gordon Lightfoot song on his last album)

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wieso ich heute gut drauf bin

morgens in der s-bahn sind drei banker, die über die subprimekrise reden. habe keine chance, mein buch konzentriert zu lesen, wenn leute relativ laut ein thema diskutieren, das mich interessiert. kann weder dem buch noch der diskussion richtig folgen. lose-lose-situation. aber nur für mich.

in düsseldorf hat es heute morgen geregnet, bei uns waren es 5 grad minus. mittags regnet es in frankfurt. in berlin ist das wetter noch schön (und kalt). esse mittags das letzte etwas matschige stück quiche.

einen teil des spätnachmittags damit verbracht, die ordner meines outlook-archivs, das seine kapazitätsgrenze bei 2 gb erreicht hat, in ein neues archiv im neuen 2003er format zu verschieben. am ende sind beide archive 2 gb groß und als ich das alte komprimiere (ich will es nicht löschen, da anscheinend noch kontaktdaten oder so was drin sind) - was noch einmal so lange dauert wie das verschieben - fehlen im netz ca. 3 gb. sehr seltsam. als ich aus dem 22-4-1-gebäude ins freie trete, kommt gerade ein schauer runter im westend. spanne den knirpsersatz auf und schlendere gen westendplatz. schon kurz dahinter hört der regen wieder auf. kaufe mir im tengelmann in der karlstraße - heute mal ohne junkies und alkis - eine flasche retsina. der kassierer hat probleme mit dem zählen meiner geldstücke. zwei euros, einmal zwanzig cent, einmal zehn cent, einmal fünf, einmal zwei und zweimal ein cent. na ja, immerhin 8 münzen. wenn man die tastenkombination kennt, die die windows-bildschirmanzeige um 90 grad nach links verdreht, dann sind das unendlich viele!

die s-bahn nach kronberg ist spät dran. lese bereits auf dem bahnsteig, was ich normalerweise nie mache. van de weterings zweites buch über einen weiteren aufenthalt in einem zenkloster. diesmal in den usa. steige vorne ein, finde einen sitzplatz etwas weiter hinten. zwei türkenmädchen mit kopftuch reden ein kaum verständliches sprachgemisch aus türkisch und deutsch und kichern andauernd. zen-like sozusagen. sie steigen an der galluswarte aus. in nhs regnet es wieder. und der regen ebbt wieder ab nach halber strecke. knirps auf, knirps zu. als ich das törchen aufmache, plötzlich dieses kostbare gefühl einer universellen traurigkeit. alles ist umsonst und nichts ist wichtig. und es ist gut so. das ist das leben. man kann machen was man will, am ende ist sowieso alles für die katz. mehr trost gibt es nicht.

achso die frage. ist kein koan. hab einfach ein itzebisschen weniger als sonst geschlafen. so um die 6 stunden. ein idiot/arschloch hat catherines seitenrückspiegel am samstag abgebrochen. heute morgen musste sie früh raus zur werkstatt. da wir erst um 12 ins bett sind, war die nacht etwas kürzer als sonst.

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February 4, 2008 at 9:19:00 PM CET

[music, songs]

shame on me. i only just realised what nada surf's mother's day is about. it took me ten years. how deaf and insensitive am i? half related: if you want to vote for your favourite nada surf album, you can go here.

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XXVIII: 1998 Cat Power - Moon Pix

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