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mp3 blogs/rotation etc.

Update: The most useful site in this category is the mp3 blog aggregator. You can even add your own mp3 blog there if you like. Right now (22/07) there are 45 mp3 blogs covered in the digest.

Another aggregator: Web Nymph Aggregator Music, MP3s Headlines.

There are quite a lot of blogs out there which host mp3s or links to mp3s somewhere on the internet and whose authors usually write something about the music. A small selection:

  • gabba / POD with short texts on a wide spectrum of music like soul, electro, house etc. including older heroes like Robert Wyatt, Roxy Music, Josef K, Tocotronic and the latest hip stuff like M83, Pluramon...
  • fluxblog by Matthew Perpetua with a good mix of indie and pop. Usually 1-2 mp3 links per day. Concise writing. Blogroll with mp3 blogs.
  • The Mystical Beast. Probably Definitely my favourite mp3 blog. Posts usually covering one artist. Older stuff ranging from Ride, Swans, Divine Comedy to the Jazz Butcher. And lots of bands I have never heard of but which are always worth to check out. Indie heaven. The writing is spot-on as well. Someone with a huge record collection who knows what I like. If the Mystical Beast pinged I'd be even more grateful. (thank you for the pinging and the link!)
  • said the gramophone: Sean from Montreal offers one to two mp3s per (almost daily) post. Usually on the mellower side of indie. Pretty expressive and poetic writing.
  • Kingblind, a very busy music blog focussing on news with several mp3 links per week and capsule reviews on the songs. Indierockish.
  • TalkieWalkie with indieish audio music links and short texts.
  • PopNose is Freaky Trigger's mp3 blog. Pop-oriented of course. What else would you expect from Tom Ewing and friends? Sound writing. Version 2 now integrated in NYLPM.
  • Burned By The Sun. From LA. Occasional mp3s in the classic (as opposite to dud) realm.
  • .: v5.0. Frank from Toronto posts one mp3 per week. The last song is a Madonna cover by Teenage Fanclub.
  • 75 or Less album reviews.: Collective album review site. 75 words max. per record with audio links.
  • fruits of chaos // a sampler mainly with Asian music. At least four songs per week. Rather new site I guess.
  • --Razor Blade Smile--. I have never heard of most of the music. Some Japanese stuff but also Placebo and the likes.
  • any similarities are purely coincidental concentrating on bad music like Heino, Kung Fu Fighting and everything you never ever wanted to listen to in your life but you couldn't escape.
  • largehearted boy, a boy, a girl, and his radio. Hardly any writing on the songs but lots of mp3 links to songs, shows and rarities. David has a soft spot for Guided By Voices.
  • totally fuzzy. Same thing. Mp3 links galore. Blogroll with many further pointers to mp3 blogs.

P.S. I forgot The Catbirdseat with links to external mp3s of usually new albums.

P.P.S. March, 9th and April, 4th. Some more which I discovered in the past month:

  • badgerminor has turned into an mp3 blog! Ca. two files per day and nice personal writing on exciting pop music which is usually not from the charts.
  • de subjectivisten mp3check is in Dutch and collects links to mp3s of music off the trodden paths. From Dutch rock, jazz to folk and back.
  • bubblegum machine offers two songs per week concentrating on 70s/80s pop preferably released on K-tel or Ronco.
  • soul sides with jazz, hiphop and soul tracks. And some indie goodness too.
  • tyrone shoelaces from Hongkong with music I don't know about. Probably young people's music in the field of dance, electronica, disco etc.
  • new(ish). Same story. The only band I know are Franz Ferdinand.
  • That's more like it. External links to Throbbing Gristle, Barbara Morgenstern etc.
  • punkassbitch hosts indie mp3s without reviews. Evan Dando, Beta Band, Sunny Day Real Estate, q-tip are downloadable right now.
  • Dream Chimney: Track of the Day is a collective mp3 blog featuring lots of goodies. Recent tracks by among others Eno, The Cure, Linda Thompson, Pavement, Beatles, Penguin Cafe Orchestra.
  • tofuhut with a very eclectic selection concentrating on world and jazz. Extremely busy site with oodles of music blog sidebar links organised by genre.
  • links to music blogs organised alphabetically


last updated: 9/25/24, 10:42 PM
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XXVIII: 1998 Cat Power - Moon Pix

The other albums Most people voted for Massive Attack's Mezzanine in the poll. ...
by alex63 @ 9/25/24, 10:42 PM

Tom Liwa - Im Tal der nackten Männer (Lyrics)

Es war ein weiter Weg Den Kaiserberg runter bis zu dir Mit Sternen in ...
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Hier geht es weiter. Schon mehr oder weniger seit über 10 Jahren...
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Der Schachchamp hieß entweder Miguel oder evtl. Manuel. Es gab noch eine ...
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mp3 blogs/rotation etc.

Update: The most useful site in this category is the mp3 blog ...
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du hast recht, die angeblichen lifetime forward mailadressen von bigfoot wurden irgendwann ...
by alex63 @ 12/20/19, 11:23 PM
Weil es auch mit John Lennon zu tun hat, würde ich dir ...
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Ich bin doch nicht der Einzige, der die Sun Bear Concerts für ...
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October 2024

03/02 GIANT SAND, F, Brotfabrik............. .

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