close your eyes

A name is a name is a name

Just a couple of words about the name of this blog.

In my late teenage years I read a book called Das wiedergefundene Licht (English title: And There Was Light) by Jacques Lusseyran. It is an autobiography by a blind. Jacques lost his sight in school by an accident. He writes about a world without light. Slowly he gets accustomed to the situation. During the Vichy regime when he is in a résistance group his job is to do the interviews with the new people who want to join the group. Without listening too much what the people say he chooses the trustful by the tone of their voice, by the way how they say what they say. And he never fails. He sees through them. He can distinguish the honest from the pretenders, the liars, the future traitors. As Lusseyran had lost his most important sense which is responsible for much more than half of our entire perception he concentrated on the other four and intensified them. This book told me something I knew already unconsciously but hadn't fully realized. That with deprivation you can gain much more than you can lose.

This blog is mainly about listening to music and my reaction to it and closing your eyes is a way to intensify the listening experience. Without visual detractions one is much more at the mercy of the music, there is a more direct contact with it. And it is easier to delve into the music, to hear details like instruments, voices and noises.

There is another less hopeful reason for the name. When looking at today's world I am often inclined to close my eyes not to see all the ugliness, degeneration and decline.

This may sound overly emotive and dramatic but I think there are still realms and retreats of beauty like e.g. in some music and I will try to find those and transform my perception of them into words whenever possible.

P.S. I started blogging on June 13th, 2001. Here are the first posts from my old blog sax & sunshine. I began close your eyes on October 7th, 2002.


Close them, indeed

First, I'd like to thank you for supporting my nascent blog, listening to the music found there--and linking your readers to me.

Second-- you're spot on in reminding everyone that sometimes to subtract a sensory input or two (temporarily, voluntarily) is to add a greater depth in others. Most of my mixes are designed to reward even the more typical sort of casual listening we mostly partake of as adults--nothing wrong with "background music," I say, and if our attention is only half there, that doesn't mean we deserve only half-as-good music. That said--where I really fall madly in love with sound is when I allow myself total immersion in it--eyes closed, body still, preferably in the dark. There, my ears become my eyes, and the music has feeling in every sense--emotions, yes, but it becomes physical, visceral, experiential in a new way. That's what I'm trying to get at with the "Sensory Replication" mixes, and I hope you will enjoy those.

On a smaller note--I'm glad you enjoyed the Suburbs--'Credit in Heaven' is an incredibly overlooked record, a truly winning combination of a midwestern American sensibility casually and gracefully married to a more European (think Ultravox or Magazine) post-punk-unto-pop genteel quality. Effortless, and fun.

Thanks again, and I look forward to reading what I can (the English-language parts) of your blogging.

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i try to do my best to make your blog known to the world wide web but unfortunately there aren't too many readers around here anymore. somehow i lost most of them on the way. my blogging was rather irregular for a while and then i couldn't decide in which language to write. and finally started writing in german. that was more or less the end for my english speaking readership, i guess.

besides i kind of lost interest in music for a while. i hope that period is over now. slowly i begin to appreciate music again. for years i was missing innovation in new music but somehow my focus seems to have shifted. i mostly listen to old (not necessarily classic) stuff these days. johann sebastian bach for example. but i also enjoyed some of the music you posted on your blog. besides the encyclopedic nature of the 1981 series which by default attracts me, your mixes with different overlayed tracks were a challenging listen. your last upload, the post post-punk mix is playing right now. many goodies there as well.

ps maybe i should actually close my closed eyes. that is open them again. i have had my eyes closed for too long. there is more than a grain of truth in that.

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last updated: 9/25/24, 10:42 PM
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03/02 GIANT SAND, F, Brotfabrik............. .

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