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Music shopping craziness

I just ordered (delivery time):

  • Brian Eno & Robert Fripp - The Equatorial Stars (3 weeks)
  • Bark Psychosis - Codename: dustsucker (1-2 weeks)
  • Piano Magic - Writers Without Homes (1-2 weeks)
  • Brian Eno & David Byrne - My Life in the Bush of Ghosts (24 hours)
  • Brian Eno - Apollo (24 hours)
  • Harold Budd & Brian Eno - Mille The Plateaux of Mirror (24 hours)

Two reasons for this: firstly I have fallen deeply in love with Brian Eno again and additionally the German Amazon offers lots of CDs (among others 500 "classic" indie albums) for 7 euros. How could I resist? I am just a feeble human, you know.


So recognizable! :-) Each time I go online shopping I have to restrain myself. I usually allow no more than two purchases at a time, also because I know that I'll visit a recordstore the next day or so... (usually just a quick scan of the new releases, on the way to home from work)

I don't know what has happened to you whilst in Norway (may I ask where you've been? I was there last summer), but your latest entries have been excellent: the Eno stuff (amazing albums, indeed!), Cluster (maybe check out the solo albums of Hans-Joachim Roedelius as well: I'd describe them as "quaint ambient". Not as refined as Eno's (ambient) stuff, but more from the heart, intuitive rather than cerebral. I bought three LP's through eß, cheap!: Durch die Wüste, Lustwandel and Wenn der Südwind Weht. Highly recommended).

I downloaded the new Eno/Fripp album yesterday, I think you'll like it a lot. I'm definately going to buy it when I see it (which will be soon, I guess ;-). I was fairly dissapointed by the Piano Magic album (also from the sellout bin), certainly not as good as I expected it to be after reading so many raving stuff on the band. Turns out it's supposed to be their weakest album...

I'm also quiet curious after the Bark Psychosis album, could you report back here after you've heard it?

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norway was quite refreshing. we started in torp (south of oslo, ryanair flies there) and went all the way along the coast to kragerö, arendal, egersund, stavanger and bergen and then back to oslo. a great country. very expensive but somehow worth it. those long summer evenings (sun light till half 11) are always fascinating. it could have been a little warmer though.

of course i will report back concernng the bark psychosis. in the meantime there are two tracks here and here.

i heard people say that the piano magic album wasn't their best. but if i remember well most of the songs on the radio planet claire show i linked to a while ago came from that album and i really enjoyed that concert.

what happened to me? a good question. i stopped smoking before the norway trip. in norway smoking is a nightmare. you can't even smoke inside the pubs anymore. the people still smoked though but outside the pubs, on the terraces etc. i guess in winter the pubs can close. and i haven't started again. i am still fighting with the nico-beast but i can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

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Music Shopping Craziness

Man, I wish I had more cash right now--I wanna do some "music shopping craziness"

I'm pretty excited for this new Fripp/Eno collab. I didn't even know about it 'till I saw this here! I have "No Pussyfooting" and "Evening Star"--and those two are phenomenal!

I've still gotta get "My Life In The Bush...", too--it keeps slipping my mind come shopping time.

I've seen the "Ambient 3: Laaraji" disc used in a local vinyl/used CD shop--might have to scramble and get it.

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