close your eyes

Announcement of a subject change

I am a little fed up with myself that I continue posting stuff about politics and especially the war and the alienation between the US and some European countries. This is very important and moves me more than most music nowadays but I feel I should stop here for two reasons.

Firstly I wanted this to be a blog mainly about music and culture. I know that my political attitude is quite irrelevant especially in the view that I am not a very political person. I mean in the sense of politically active etc. By the way I am not a very religious person neither.

Secondly I think it is about time to accept the facts and to stop lamenting. What has happened has happened and nobody is going to reverse history. Therefore let's just hope that the world has become a better place after the invasion in Iraq and let's face the future and not the past now. It is always easier to criticise than to do things and get criticised by others then. I still think that the Iraq attack was not ok but that is really totally irrelevant now. End of politics mode.

P.S. There are probably several reasons for this change of mind. A kind of fatalism has settled in. Not the depressive and passive fatalism but more the kind of amor fati (love of the destiny) as described by Nietzsche. It is also my pragmatic side which seems to become more dominant. Maybe there is a relation to the fact that today is my fifth day of fasting. I only drink water, tea, filtered juices and clear soups plus occasionally a mix of coke and lemonade as a highlight and want to continue until Friday. After my 275 watt ergometer ride this morning I have lost 4.6 kilos from last Saturday morning. 94.9 kilos, I couldn't believe my eyes. I feel light and outside it is dry and sunny. Everything is gonna be fine. Even the Minima Moralia reading group seems ready to take off soon with the help of Mr Praschl and I am relaxing. Time to do some work outside.

The soundtrack to my current mood is Yo La Tengo's new warm and lovely album Summer Sun. Tracks 4 and 5 are what I'd call a perfect couple. No 5 is called Today Is the Day (download link) and I won't contradict Georgia there.


the song does not remain the same, eh?

I could have written the same message. In fact, maybe I should do a similar intentional realignment.

Like you, the past few months have made for a dramatic change in what I was blogging about. I saw my readership drop precipitously, as well! But that isn't the reason I write anyway. Still, it makes one wonder - am I too fixated? In my defense, ;-), it was very disturbing to be of a country that took this step. But stridency does get grating, after a while. It's a bad way to go.

In any event, I don't feel I can completely revert to a pre-iraq condition. Nor, I expect, will you. Like you mentioned, the fatalism is there; but in my case, there's also a void. Working outside seems like a very good idea. Also, I've found I'm playing the ukulele and the piano more than I have in a long time. I can't call that 'music,' but the process is healing. I have a strong DIY drive again. I've started on some other 'causes,' but listing them makes me feel silly. Even saying that seems counter to the doing.

I don't know if any of it is escapism, or the beginning of a taking control of one's own destiny (the powers that be sure have their own agenda). But, it is time to do something different. I'm old enough to remember the dawning of the age of aquarius and that's definitely not what's happening. It is more utiliarian. Practical. Work, simple and focused. Change, in small steps. I find the Cat Power CD pretty good too. deano

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thanks for the long comment, dean. actually i am not sure if my readership has dropped, there are 99 subscribers now and i almost receive a new one every day. but concerning comments, this blog has become very silent. i was almost ready to post something stupid like "how much do i have to pay you for a comment?". thanks again.

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concerning the iraq aggression i won't change my stance at all, i suppose. it is just that there is nothing to do about it now except rebuilding and supporting democracy in iraq. right now i am in france and the opinion here is still very negative. especially the devastation of the museum in bagdad which has not been stopped by the us forces at all is something which is very difficult to forgive. somehow this incident shows how plain and without culture the us government and/or the military is. peasants as the british would say.

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i am in france and the opinion here is still very negative.

I work at a large wine merchant here in the Bay Area, California. It's been interesting watching how french wine sales have been going. Sales in the actual retail shop (even on the just arriving bordeaux futures) have dropped significantly. But online, sales are way up. I can only conclude this means people are still happy to drink French wines, but they don't want others in the check-out line to know they do! It's like porn. ;-)

We have another master sommelier newly arriving from France on Wednesday. At least he's coming to the most anti-war region of the US. I can imagine he's still coming over with a bit of trepidation. We'll treat him well...

especially the devastation of the museum in bagdad

Well, when has war ever been about civilization anyway? We shouldn't expect anything more from it. But it is crimminal, I agree. "We" saved the oil, yet didn't care at all about their heritage, their art, their history.

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that's quite interesting, dean. why do people buy less french wine in the shop but don't stop buying french wine online? i suppose people are ashamed or even afraid to show that they like french wine and are therefore non-patriotic. buying online is still rather anonymous, therefore people continue buying french products online. maybe i am wrong but i have the feeling that there is a climate of anxiety in the states right now which reminds me of the mccarthy era. the existence of the internet is a source of hope for me. bush and his clan are maybe capable to control most countries in the world but they will never control the internet. and the irony of this is that the internet has been developed by the american military.

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last updated: 9/25/24, 10:42 PM
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