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[music, albums]

40 years, 40 albums: news

To make the navigation to the different reviews in this series easier I created an overview page. It is still quite empty with only three albums but I hope I can fill it up till my birthday, July, 14th. The year column links to the poll in which you dear readers have hopefully voted for your favourite. The album column links to my amateurish review and the last column titled RYM links to the top 100 albums as rated by the contributors to the rate your music site of said year. Everyone can become member there and review and rate albums.

I closed the 1980 poll. The overwhelming winner was Joy Division's Closer. JD fans should be patient. The band will be covered in the series though it won't be the album you are probably thinking of...

40 years, 40 albums is a good exercise for me to relisten to my old albums and reevaluate them. Actually listening to the 1999 stuff was another indication for me that I have too many records. Maybe I should start selling the ones I don't like anymore via Ebay. The most striking examples from 1999 I just listened to were Sigur Ros, Flaming Lips, Perry Blake, Smog, Spain and Radar Bros. A good rule for future buys would be to first sell an old album before buying a new one. Discipline is a discipline I have never been good at and I can definitely improve on.

Probably even better than selling old albums would be a cd exchange where people exchange second-hand cds. Does anyone know if a place like this exists? In case it didn't I guess it would be about time to create one on the interweb. The new economy will come back one day, you know.


music swap

There is one site I know of but had forgotten about. Unfortunately there isn't too much demand and supply there yet: Alan Trewartha's musical swap shop.

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Re: music swap

Another one is Swappingtons where you can swap cds, dvds and books.

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Re: 40 years, 40 albums: news

Now that I've reached the age where I have teenage & college age nephews and nieces (shite happens), I dump my less-listened-to discs on them. All I ask is they play them once. I figure if they find something they like, great; and if they don't, they can use the spare exchange change more than I. deano

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Re: Re: 40 years, 40 albums: news

That is a very good idea, Deano. Though I only have one nephew and one niece and they are not yet in their teens. You have 25! In Germany these big families are very rare nowadays. I have 15 22 (14+8) cousins though. In hundred years time Germans will have perished from the surface of the earth if it goes on like this.

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... comment

last updated: 9/25/24, 10:42 PM
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03/02 GIANT SAND, F, Brotfabrik............. .

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