close your eyes
June 2, 2004 at 11:31:00 PM CEST

[music, albums]

Me(n)tal Machine Music

Last night I listened to the first "movement" of Lou Reed's Metal Machine Music. Right now the second part is spinning in my cd player. Yes I know that MMM on cd is not the real thing. As Bob Ludwig the sound engineer said the most difficult thing was getting the locked groove on side four of the double album. MMM on vinyl doesn't stop when you don't stop it. It is the perpetuum mobile of guitar feedback noise. Basic idea: tune all strings to one note, put the guitar near the amp and let it feed back, let it play itself.

As many people on ILM and elsewhere have said before MMM is actually quite listenable if your ears followed a little bit what happened in the last 29 years in experimentalish rock music. Sonic Youth, the Boredoms, Merzbow, Black Dice etc. are unthinkable without MMM. It's all pretty shrill but not boring at all. There is a lot happening. Often I can hear fire brigade or police sirens, sounds of computer games, even some animal voices like whinnying horses or shrieking birds. All this gives MMM a trippish quality. Obviously it is not a trip to the promised land more like a trip into the dark future of mankind. I am only at the beginning with this piece of music which reminds me of a symphony somehow. It will probably become my favourite symphony. Which isn't hard as I don't listen to classical symphonies anymore.

Something would definitely qualify it for the car stereo. Falling asleep to MMM is something I can hardly imagine. Even less waking up when it is still going (maybe during the locked groove which has got a shattering beat, the breakdown of planet earth repeated ad infintum). This does not seem to be the most desired new experience I need to have in my life.

P.S. mp3 download of the whole thing (via swen)

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[it's the economy, stupid]

Keep your bucks for you

An interesting unconventional well-written article on the possible end of the dollar as #1 reserve currency in this month's Prospect. The euro's big chance by Niall Ferguson, professor of history at the Stern School of Business, New York University:

When I asked a smaller group of Wall Street bankers the same question (who thought the euro could plausibly replace the dollar as the principal international reserve currency?), they were more doubtful - though one observed that the euro is already the preferred currency of organised crime because, unlike the Fed, which no longer issues bills with a value above $100, the European Central Bank issues a high-denomination E500 note. That makes it possible to cram around E7m into a briefcase - which can come in useful in some parts of Colombia. Maybe on Wall Street too.

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[slanguage with or without s]

schlong along or call it marketing

My fave definitions of schlong in the Urban Dictionary:

1. The scientific one including a classification: A penis which is a fairly good length. As opposed to a schlort, or a schledium.

Stop fiddling with your schlong Jimmy, put it back in ur pants.

  1. The one for mom: Any salami-type processed meat packaged in a long-oval-cylindrical sleeve.

Schlong goes well with cheese and crackers. Ex. Please cut me a slice of that tasty schlong.

  1. The one for insiders: Jewish for "putz." ("putz" is the rude term for "schmuck")

Harvey, put that schlong away, you're driving!!!

  1. The etymological one: Penis. Probably derived from the German "schlange" for snake, which, pronounced in German, must have sounded like "schlong" to native English speakers.

Wow, that horse has got a pretty huge schlong. I don't know if those fifth graders on their field trip to the zoo should be seeing this.

P.S. Thanks for the word and the concert tip to knuspi. By the way does anyone of my avid readers know the trio Ostinato from Washington D.C. who play tomorrow in the Oetinger Villa? According to knuspi their music is pretty hot. I hope I will make it there.

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Writing a blog is one of the loneliest exercises in the world. Or can be. That's why most blogs die too soon. Don't get me wrong. I am not complaining. I get some feedback. Not a lot but enough to make me continue my ramblings. Writing a blog is a labour of love asking for a reaction of the people reading it. When there is none whatsoever the blog will disappear one day. Either totally or it will be transformed into a secret private journal. Which can be nice but which is not what I intend. Been there etc. Maybe I am wrong in generalising this way. There are blogs where you can't comment. But I ask myself for what they are for. It's not only that they are not using the inherent capabilities of the internet. It is that they don't give the reader a choice. They say Friss oder stirb (eat or die). They ask for unconditional love. Which I don't. I love people contradict me. I love more controversial feedback. I love discussions. And learning from others. I am not very sure of myself.

[listening to the miracle of love which is Sufjan Stevens Greetings from Michigan]

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June 2004

03/02 GIANT SAND, F, Brotfabrik............. .

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