close your eyes
April 24, 2003 at 11:21:00 PM CEST



Promise to myself. The next time I see a shooting star I will have a wish. This must be one of the most difficult things in life. Half a second to think of a wish. A response time which seems too short for me.

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[music, lyrics]

Yes only love can break your heart (Neil Young on After the Goldrush)

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Link deprivation

Tim from Traveler's Diagram has deleted me from his weblog link list. Somehow these little allusions that what I am doing here is not worth it are painful. Especially in the view that Traveler's Diagram is one of my favourite weblogs. The author has a very solid music taste with a strong predilection for Americana and is able to put that into words and he links to interesting sites and articles about culture and arts.

P.S. Apologies for this pathetic self-centered post. I have to admit that I try to condense the number of sites I link to as well. Whenever I delete a link there are two possible reasons. Either freshblogs does not have correct information on the page freshness or the site does not interest me anymore. Often blog authors which who post too much for me to digest are taken off the watchlist.

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Make tea, not war

(footer by a participant in this very enlightening kuro5hin discussion on the reasons for the Iraq war).

P.S. Something I learnt from that discussion which I didn't know before. Hans Blix was the boss of the IAEA (international atomic energy agency) when Chernobyl exploded and even played down the danger after the accident. Two consequences. Mr Blix must be a good friend of the Russians and is not as neutral as I thought he would be. His expertise is shattered in my eyes. This Iraq war thing is very complex indeed.

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Adorno lesen und diskutieren

Das Ergebnis meiner Aufforderung zum Geistestanz, der Minima Moralia-Lesezirkel, nimmt so langsam Formen an. Wir werden am Montag, dem 28.4. mit dem ersten Aphorismus der Reflexionen aus dem beschädigten Leben wie die Minima Moralia untertitelt sind, beginnen. Wer Lust hat mitzumachen, melde sich bitte hier bzw. bei Peter. Wir machen ihn/sie dann zum Kontributoren. Es sind bereits über 50 Leute angemeldet, so dass ich davon ausgehe, dass wir interessante Diskussionen haben werden. Die geschlossene Lesegesellschaft ist für die Teilnehmer unter erreichbar.

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jog blog post #1

Some ideas and thoughts which crossed my mind this morning on my jogging tour:

Last night I dreamt I had a mistress who gave me a map as a farewell present. Her place was on the map but not mine. I usually went to see her by bicycle (Morpheus knows why) and left the bicycle in the staircase when I stayed at her place.

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jog blog post #2

France is not good for me. I eat and drink too much here.

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jog blog post #3

What I really hate about drinking is that it makes me predictable. Last night after our bicycle trip to Argelès I drank the first two glasses of Rosé pretty fast. Catherine told me immediately that I will soon want to smoke a cigarette if I continue like that. Of course at around ten o’clock we bought a packet of Lucky Strikes for five fucking euros and I smoked four cigarettes.

Jogging every morning which I have done here every day except yesterday is also predictable. But it is a good predictability as it needs an activation energy; it is not automatic. It is a human effort and not a mechanical reaction.

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jog blog post #4

There is a hill on my jogging circuit which is steepest at the top. When I start approaching that hill I unconsciously slow down at first time in order to delay the strenuous rise. Of course this is rather short-sighted and does not really help but it is stronger than me. When running up that hill I slacken the reins even more as I approach the top for physical reasons. Just before reaching the top I seem to stand still. I run on the spot. But somehow there is suddenly a force pushing me up so that I arrive at the top.

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jog blog post #5

I’m a looser, why don’t you kill me, babe Mit der neuen Rechtschreibung ist Legasthenie salonfähig geworden. Irgendwie ist das symptomatisch. Die einzige Reform, die in Deutschland möglich ist, ist eine Reform, die sich selber abschafft. Statt von neuer Rechtschreibung sollte man eigentlich nur noch von den neuen Schreibweisen sprechen. Es ist allerdings ein Irrtum, anzunehmen, dass die Rechtschreibung in anderen Sprachen auch willkürlich ist. Wer jemanden als Loslasser bezeichnet, jedoch Verlierer meint, ist selber einer.

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April 2003

03/02 GIANT SAND, F, Brotfabrik............. .

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