close your eyes

Giving up

Voting for Bush is just a way of confirming what we all know already: The terrorists have won.

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US intelligence = ignorance + misinformation + manipulation

Reading this article on the mysterious Berg "beheading" video at the Asia Times Online I have come to the conclusion that Abu Musab al-Zarqawi is most likely dead. The US administration (via their intelligence) tries to blame almost every recent terrorist attack on him. The Berg "butchering", the bombs in Madrid etc. They try to hide the fact that they have no idea who directed these acts of terrorism. Like they had no clues about WMDs. It's better to build one man up as the über terrorist than to admit that one has no idea whatsoever who is behind the terror. Somebody who is already dead is much better to blame as he can't defend himself anymore and will never be arrested. He is the perfect Satan. The war on terrorism can go on forever if the people it is hunting are already dead. And that's all the Bush administration is aiming for.

Further reading: kuro5hin discussion on the video.

P.S. I am not yet there to believe in conspiracy. But conspiracy is more likely than the authentic beheading of Nick Berg. Which is maybe not such a bad thing. Supposing the US citizens get rid of the Bush gang(sters) in November.

P.P.S. Why did Bushco chose al-Zarqawi as the new leading terrorist? Bin Laden was too ill and looked too weak on his last videos. What's the point of hunting an old dying man everyone has pity with? Therefore they had to fabricate a new young and dynamic successor.

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Give him a drink and everything will be fine

Is George W. a "Dry Drunk"?:

Dry drunk is a slang term used by members and supporters of Alcoholics Anonymous and substance abuse counselors to describe the recovering alcoholic who is no longer drinking, one who is dry, but whose thinking is clouded. Such an individual is said to be dry but not truly sober. Such an individual tends to go to extremes.

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How to lose a million votes :-(

Mr Kerry is a spammer.

P.S. I wrote him an e-mail. And I am very curious about the reaction. The real one after the immediate robot reply.

P.P.S. No e-mail response yet but Mr Kerry vanished from my referrers. Just a coincidence? In any case I wish him best luck to beat that other guy in autumn, what was his name again?

P.P.S. JK is a loser.

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1984 anderstrum

Vorhin im Radio ging es um RFID (radio frequency identification), die chipbasierte Nachfolgetechnologie des Barcodes. Ein Datenschutzexperte sagte etwa sinngemäß, dass Big Brother heute kaum zu fürchten wäre, da die Staatsbediensteten sich als kaum kompetent bis völlig unfähig bzgl. neuer Technologien erwiesen hätten.

Ich schätze mal, es kommt eher umgekehrt. Die sollten sich warm anziehen, sonst können wir die Beamtenschaft morgen alle im Internet beim Büroschläfchen live beobachten.

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Congruence of speech and action

"5. A proposition that all acts of war be put to a national vote. Anyone voting yes would have to register as a volunteer. (1916)"

(from Kingblind's list of "Top ten most amazing proposed amendments to the constitution, that, for better or worse, never passed")

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Nobody, but nobody, was more reluctant to go to war than President Bush.

A history of the Iraq war, told entirely in lies.

Posted on Saturday, September 20, 2003. All text is verbatim from senior Bush Administration officials and advisers. In places, tenses have been changed for clarity. Originally from Harper's Magazine, September, 2003. By Sam Smith.
(MeFi thread)

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The silence before the apocalypse or Lot's wife

Hiroshima/Nagasaki August 6th 1945, the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. On August 9th, a more powerful weapon was dropped on Nagasaki. Needless to say, they caused Mass Destruction.

Survivors accounts describe scenes from hell, no surprise to those that know about atomic weapons and what they do. But none of the victims had any idea of what it was that had hit them. One survivor wondered 'how such extensive damage could have been dealt out of a silent sky'. Almost no-one heard the bomb. They experienced a silent flash, 'a sheet of sun'. And those who were looking in the direction of this 'sheet of sun' saw nothing else again. 'Their melted eyes had run down their cheeks'. Pumpkins were roasted on the vine, potatoes baked under the earth. The extraordinary testimonies of six survivors were recorded by John Hersey in 'Hiroshima', published by Penguin in 1946.

From the liner notes to Foreign Accents from Robert Wyatt's new album Cuckooland

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The anglo-saxon love for democracy in the Middle East

Mohammed Mossadegh In 1953, after two failed coup attempts, the British and American secret services succeeded in ousting Mohammed Mossadegh, the elected nationalist prime minister of Iran and his government. Within three days, the Shah of Iran was installed for twenty five years of pro-western dictatorship. Mossadegh's 'crime' had been to nationalise Iranian oil. He was imprisoned for three years and spent the rest of his life under house arrest.

From the liner notes to Foreign Accents from Robert Wyatt's new album Cuckooland

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"Why do you use an ax when you can use a bulldozer?"

The cover story of the German news magazine Der Spiegel from three weeks ago (God, why am I always so much behind) is online. Unfortunately only in English, only German reading Germans have to pay €0.85. It's on the confessions (probably forced by torture) of two leading characters behind the 9/11 attacks (code word Porsche 911): Operation Holy Tuesday. It's a long article, you'd need at least thirty minutes to read it all. But it's worth it.

Link credit: the discussion-wise up to now pretty uninspired Metafilter thread where I got this from.

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