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Update of the Rhein-Main-Neckar-Isar concert section (thanks to Catherine):

25/10 METRIC, F, Nachtleben 29/10 Klangweltenfestival, MZ, Frankfurter Hof 30/10 TOM LIWA, F, Das Bett 31/10 VIKTORIA TOLSTOY, MZ, Frankfurter Hof 02/11 LAMBCHOP, F, Dreikönigskirche 02/11 SHEARWATER, DA, Oetinger Villa 03/11 OREGON, DA, Centralstation 08/11 NINA NASTASIA, OF, Hafen 2 11/11 NOUVELLE VAGUE, F, Mousonturm 11/11 NICK CAVE, MZ, Phönix-Halle (75€ a seat!) 12/11 ARAB STRAP, HD, Karlstorbf. 15/11 CONSOLE, WI, Schlachthof 19/11 LISA GERMANO, F, Brotfabrik 21/11 CASSANDRA WILSON, F, Jahrhunderthalle 24/11 YO LA TENGO, HD, Karlstorbf. 09/12 CAT POWER, M, Bavarian Open

Feel free to add gigs around Frankfurt/Main in the comments.

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Im Pissoir im Cooky's gestern abend. Die Ohren dröhnen vom Gitarrenlärm, wenn man die Tür aufmacht. Drinnen am Anfang völlige Stille. Nach ein paar Sekunden plötzlich so seltsame leise Geräusche. Was spielen die denn jetzt da draußen? Hat sich The Wedding Present plötzlich in ein Violinquartett verwandelt? Dann die späte Erleuchtung. Aus den Klolautsprechern tropft klassische Musik der dezenten Sorte. Eigentlich schade. Die Idee hätte mir gefallen.

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[music, concerts]

The Wedding Present gig in the Cooky's was fine. Much better than I had imagined beforehand. I only saw them once in the warehouseish Terminal Export in Nancy around 1993 and the sound wasn't too good. This time it was probably even louder because of the tininess of the place, a night club cellar close to the Hauptwache in the heart of Frankfurt. Where they apparently already had played in 1985 as a totally plastered fiftysomething Brit with short grey hair told me. TWP were the band he had seen most in Frankfurt, five times or something. I was at the bar about three meters away from the lead guitarist and five meters from Gedge. Whose vocals I could understand most of the time. They played at least three songs from their chef d'œuvre Seamonsters, I remember Corduroy, the brilliant Dalliance which builds up from a gentle dreamy tune to devilish guitar noise and the closer Octopussy (no encores of course). Gedge was strumming his life away on his guitar. Most of the songs I didn't know were slower and kind of folkrockish. Gedge in songwriter mode. Not bad but not thrilling either. Probably from more recent albums I don't know. When Apple Pie came on the above mentioned Brit in exile who had been shouting incomprehensible song wishes or whatever in between the songs obviously had to join the dance stage. The audience was rather old altogether. Hardly any twentysomethings, on average it looked older than the band.

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[music, concerts]

TWP in Frankfurt

Friday night I will be in the Cooky's. David Gedge and his good old band The Wedding Present will be there. They have reformed after that rather unsuccessful Cinerama interlude. For the first time after ten years or so I listened to Hitparade 1 with the six January to June singles from 1992. They still sound terrific. His deep throaty voice, those noisy guitars, the straightforward songwriting. Indie rock'n'roll from Leeds in the vein of Velvet Underground with a dash of The Buzzcocks and The Fall.

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[music, concerts]

John Cale @ the Mousonturm

After twenty-four days of work in a row Catherine invited me to go out for some live music. I didn't expect anything from the Welsh part of the Velvet Underground. The last record I bought and listened to by him was Music for a New Society which I saw him touring for more than twenty years ago in the Bochumer Fabrik. I was disappointed at the time. The concert was a little bit too bittersweet and opera-like but okay. The expectations were too high though.

When I arrived at the Mousonturm I had to smoke a cigarette before entering the hall. Smoking was prohibited inside. That reminded me of something I heard about John Cale on the radio a while ago. He was producing a band which was taking drugs all the time. I think it was the Happy Mondays. And he didn't allow them any drugs when they were recording in the studio. No ecstasy, no spliffs, not even a beer. What a tyrant!

In the beginning we were next to the speakers and the music coming out of them was some distorted viola stuff. I bet it was him. Then the band arrived on stage, John took his viola and they played the only song I recognised immediately tonight. It was Venus in Furs. Cold shivers were running down my spine. It was totally unreal. As if the last 40 years had never happened. John had this grumpy old man expression which didn't leave his face up until the end. The other band members could have been his grandchildren. A curly bassist moving in a 70s way, totally immersed in his playing. A handsome blond guitarist with jeans which were too large for him who created sounds you wouldn't think of coming from a guitar. And a bold black ferocious drummer who was getting bored during the slower numbers.

John Cale doesn't have a style. He switches between styles like chamaeleons alter their colour. Down on the back of his white sweatshirt it said Change. Probably his motto for life. After the hard-rocking, tight pieces in the beginning, he and his band played some extremely funky songs in the vein of Prince. Even John sang in falsetto. Then they performed Gideon's Bible from 1970s Vintage Violence in a long atmospheric planante version. My fave of the night. The kind of new age which doesn't age. After there was a song which sounded like a cover of Randy Newman's You Can Leave Your Hat on. It wasn't though, I guess, it was stolen, or unconsciously inspired if you wish. Then they played two progrocky pieces from Hobo Sapiens, they sounded like concept songs, I found them annoying. The new material on the other hand was extremely hard-rocking, especially the second last song which turned into a jam session finishing with the line "Good Night." Like a Sister Ray of today.

The first concert ever where I missed some kind of ear protection. How can this guy's ears bear the noise he and his band make? I don't know what he sipped out of his cup after each song but it must have been something strong. Strong and non-alcoholic.

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Heinz Sauer & Michael Wollny in der Romanfabrik

Endlich mal ein Konzert bei dem ich nicht der Älteste im Publikum war, wahrscheinlich habe ich den Altersschnitt sogar gesenkt. Heinz Sauer, das Jazzurgestein am Saxophon, und Michael Wollny, der Jungspund am Klavier, die altersmäßig Großvater und Enkel sein könnten, harmonierten miteinander wie ein schon ewig eingespieltes Team. Die Stücke waren recht kurz, meist zwei bis fünf Minuten und hörten oft gerade dann plötzlich auf, wenn ich mich gerade reingehört hatte. Musik zum Abschweifenlassen der Gedanken. Recht freier impressionistischer und teilweise minimalistischer Jazz, der zu ECM passen würde. Virtuose Klavierpassagen, die z.T. sehr stark an Keith Jarrett erinnerten, Wollny nutzte den Innenteil des Flügels auch als Schlaginstrument, zupfte die Saiten und erzeugte quietschende bzw. scheppernde Klänge mit einem Glas, das er über die Saiten rieb bzw. auf sie stellte und dann die Tasten anschlug. Sauers ausdrucksstarkes Saxophonspiel changierte von sehr leisen, lyrischen Phrasen, die mich an einen Windhauch denken ließen, der durchs Schilf weht bis zu vollen, satten Sound-Eruptionen. Ein schöner Jazz-Abend, zu dem auch die mich durch ihr Understatement gelegentlich zum Lächeln bringenden Zwischenansagen des in seiner Sprödheit mir unglaublich sympathischen Sauer beitrugen. Die Duo-CD heißt Melancholia (Zeit-Rezension), nach einem kurzen Stück von Duke Ellington, das uns die beiden leider nicht darbieten konnten, da Sauer seine Noten verlegt hatte.

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[music, concerts]

Wedding Present spielen morgen im Nachtleben. Anyone interested to go? I'd like to but I need some extra motivation. If they would only play Seamonsters...

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[music, concerts]

The American Analog Set will play at the Moschée in Offenbach tomorrow. The kind of mellow music perfect for a lukewarm summer night. Three new live songs as a teaser here. I loved their concert in Frankfurt two years ago.

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[music, concerts]

Going to church to see the Cowboy Junkies

At most concerts there is my little brother Pete on drums right behind me. When I turn around to him for reassurance he usually gives me a smile. I still haven't realized that Pete is further to the left. Every time I look behind to exchange glances I am surprised that there is Jesus at his place.

Margo Timmins in the Dreikönigskirche in Frankfurt last night. She was singing a couple of meters in front of the Cross.

Setlist and a tour diary entry on Frankfurt by Mike (when he writes Rhine he means Main, hint: Frankfurt=Mainhattan 'cos of the high bank buildings). The concert was good. Very intimate. Like the Amazon flowing slowly and majestically into the Atlantic. Margo's pure and at the same time sensual voice is maybe even more beautiful than it used to be, Mike did some expressive extended guitar improvisation on a Robert Johnson cover and there was at least one person dancing in the church. I must admit though that over the course of the two hour concert I found the songs a little samey and got slightly tired of them. Blame it on my lack of patience and my yearning for variety.

Next stop on their tour is the Passionskirche in Berlin on Sunday. Be warned, tickets are rather expensive with almost 30 euros.

P.S. I didn't expect them to play their great VU cover Sweet Jane but I was slightly disappointed that they didn't play any song from Lay it Down. My personal fave of theirs. The most pop but also the most touching of their albums. And I have all of them 'cept the one before One Soul Now.

P.P.S. Link sent by Swen: 64(!) Cowboy Junkies concerts from 1989 to 2003 to download.

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[music, concerts]

Trio to the power of two

Last night I went to see three trios over at the Oetinger Villa in Darmstadt. I think it was the first concert I ever attended where I was the oldest person. A strange and slightly uncomfortable feeling. The first band on stage was Diario (mp3) from Leipzig. Guitar, bass, drums. They weren't the luckiest band that night. First their laptop didn't work and we had to wait for a quarter of an hour. Then after something like three bars the guitar amp conked out. When they finally got their act together they played maybe three instrumentals. Okayish post-rock in the vein of Tortoise though a little less focussed. They had found their groove on the last piece and there was some very nice answer-response interplay between the drummer and guitarist. And then it was all over.

It took ages before the next band arrived. In the meantime I got very much annoyed by the African girl choir cd the deejay had put on. Those girls should dance or drum but never sing. Then Zu from Rome appeared on stage. Bass sax, bass, drums. Punk attitude meets free jazz. Wild outbursts of saxophone lines underlined by some very ferocious drumming and a bass player who was mainly striding back and fro to the amp for some feedback effects. In the beginning I thought he had never played a bass before. He picked as many strings as possible in the most unrhythmic way imaginable. Later on he did some amazing feedback where the bass sounded like a tenor sax. The problem with this band was that everyone was doing his thing, the music didn't hold together, there didn't seem to be a band feel. I had liked the first couple of tracks as they were so raw and energetic but after a while it was getting too much. And they didn't stop as the already thinned out audience kept on clapping. They got obsessed with their jam and had to go on with their ear-bursting noise set. Apparently they have played together with Eugene Chadbourne which doesn't come as a surprise to me.

The last band (for which I had come actually) started well past midnight. Ostinato from Washington D.C. Guitar, fretless bass and drums. They began their set rather low-key but with each song the music became louder. Nice warm minimalistic melodies embedded in drones and walls of fuzzy guitar noise drawing the small audience left in like a maelstroem. Put Spaceman 3, My Bloody Valentine, Godspeed, Mogwai and American Analaog Set to equal parts in a mixer and add a dash of D.C. hardcore shouting and you get near the phantastic sound of Ostinato. Somehow the guitarist reminded me of Kevin Shields. When he played you couldn't see his face. It was covered by his dark hair. He created some amazing soundscapes with his instrument. The bassist of Korean origin had this kind of rare naive charm which gives the final perfect touch to a live performance. He said that they had only been 3 days in Germany yet and every place they had played had been so wonderful that they would have liked to settle down there forever. When the guitarist introduced the song Optimist, he immediately took the relay and said "Yes. This song is called Optimist. Because in the state the world is in right now you have to be an optimist." So f*cking true. And sad.

I payed 8 euros for three bands. Together with maybe 50 co-spectators. That makes about 40 euros per band member not counting the technicians and cd/t-shirt vendors. Hardly enough for a hotel bed. How can these bands survive? The labels must support them or they just do it for fun. I really hope Ostinato become big. They deserve it. I doubt it though. They seem to be rather unknown in the US. All internet sites mentioning them I found were German except their US label Southern.

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