close your eyes

sie sagt mir, ihr bruder, der momentan in deutschland arbeitet, hat jetzt zwei optionen. entweder er geht wieder zurück nach frankreich. oder er geht nach japan, rate ich ins azurblaue. ja, sagt sie, nach tokio. ich schätze mal der jüngste sohn, der mitkommen wird, wird das zünglein an der waage sein.

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Schon seltsam, dass die ersten neun Übersetzungen von Schärfe ins Englische alle mit A anfangen (sharpness ist unter ferner liefen, ist wohl alphabetisch geordnet, aber dass es so viele Worte mit A gibt hierfür):

  • acerbity
  • acidity
  • acridity
  • acridness
  • acrimony
  • acuity
  • acuteness
  • asperity
  • astuteness

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    googlito ergo sum

    according to the music department of metacritic which assembles album reviews and assigns scores to the albums the field's from here we go to sublime (;-)) got a metascore of 90/100 and leads the pack in 2007. i tried to listen to that album but i didn't succeed in not hitting the stop-button after a minute or so of each track. basically it is the blunt, dumb, offensive computer beats sounding a little like a metronome without the calming effect of that device which turn me off. i can't listen to anything else, anything beautiful which might be hidden in the rest of the music, it totally clogs my mind. i tried to see what my favourite music forum - it was a revelation for me in 2001 - had to say about this release and searched for the band. to my surprise there were no relevant results. but the second result was about the field mice. and in the google résumé or whatever you'd call the twenty or so words which google places under the link it said

    The Field Mice are the missing link between The Smiths and Belle and Sebastian. Probably the most gorgeous of all unsuccessful bands.

    and i remembered who wrote those words.

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    wenn ich in berlin wohnen würde, dann hätte ich ja eventuell hierauf geantwortet. wobei, könnte es sein, dass wir uns kennen?

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    i was totally into genesis in 77, i think. especially selling england by the pound. the post gabriel stuff wasn't my bag though except a trick of the tail and wind and wuthering (not even that features in the p&j poll). kiss was one year before. destroyer was my first lp if i remember well. must have gotten it for my 13th birthday.

    -- alex in mainhattan (me), Saturday, 5 May 2007 14:20 (8 hours ago)


    Holy shit, I got my first KISS album--and first album ever--for my 13th birthday too. WTF, must have been some kinda rite of passage for teenage American boys at the time.

    -- JN$OT, Saturday, 5 May 2007 14:36 (8 hours ago)


    'cept that i was a german teenage boy ;-)

    -- alex in mainhattan, Saturday, 5 May 2007 15:05 (7 hours ago)

    haha, that's even better/funnier.

    -- JN$OT, Saturday, 5 May 2007 15:06 (7 hours ago)

    from Best 1977 P&J Album (POLL Closes 8 May)

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    Oh, and for the record, forty-two is the best age to be because "you've finally begun to figure out what life might just be about, and you're still young enough to do something about it."

    (from Moistworks where Alex Abramovich ponders [amongst other things including music] about an essay by Joan Didion she wrote for Vogue called On Self-Respect. By the way has any of my dear readers a clue if this is published in one of her essay books or if it is available anywhere else?)

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    Human, all too human

    He doesn't own a television. "I gave it up because I'm a potential addict. I know that if I had a television in my flat I would convince myself that everything on it was really interesting. I would say, 'I'm a Celebrity - Get Me Out of Here! is so sociologically fascinating that I think I'd better watch.' If I just start grazing, I'll graze forever."

    Brian Eno in an interview with The Guardian

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    Every end is a new beginning

    1. Mai 1945 Bedingungslose Kapitulation Keith Jarrett's birthday

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last updated: 9/25/24, 10:42 PM
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XXVIII: 1998 Cat Power - Moon Pix

The other albums Most people voted for Massive Attack's Mezzanine in the poll. ...
by alex63 @ 9/25/24, 10:42 PM

Tom Liwa - Im Tal der nackten Männer (Lyrics)

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mp3 blogs/rotation etc.

Update: The most useful site in this category is the mp3 blog ...
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Weil es auch mit John Lennon zu tun hat, würde ich dir ...
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Ich bin doch nicht der Einzige, der die Sun Bear Concerts für ...
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