close your eyes
[music, links]

Excuses I really wanted to write something on Patti Smith's On Land tonight but it is too late now and I have to postpone to tomorrow. In the meantime some other link worthy net programmes:

  • Jess Harvell has never been a fan of the Modern Lovers but he has seen the main man behind live and was converted on the spot. ILM discussion: Jonathan Richman: is this guy a class fucking act or what?
  • Dr. C asks at ILM about That Melodic Thing in Scottish Pop: "There's often a reluctance to telegraph a big chorus, a sort of shy restraint which can often mean that a gorgeous melody takes time to uncover and fix in your memory."
  • Marcello Carlin with a long piece on Gillian Welch's album Time (The Revelator) at ILM. I guess I have to relisten to this. The first time it sounded too plain, too barren, too basic for my ears. Her voice reminds me of Michelle Shocked a little which is a very good reference for me.
  • Monkey Puzzle, an excellent indie music blog from Melbourne I mentioned before (thanks for the backlink cos) on one of my favourite Lloyd Cole records Easy Pieces. One of those perfect pop albums I listened to a lot back in the summer of 1993.
  • P.S. Califone: They sound like a more focussed and less emotionally intense Sparklehorse. The singer's voices are quite similar especially when distorted. Somehow I cannot believe that Califone come from Chicago. Their music has got this laid-back desert feel a little bit like Giant Sand. I would have situated them either in South California, Arizona or New Mexico. Further reading: 10 questions for Tim Rutili from Glorious Noise.
  • Dandelion Wings (pseudonym) of Living Code on Sombrero Fallout by Richard Brautigan. A good short introduction into Brautigan's twisted but realistic mind. Summary: "A whole town gets involved in a massacre (with humorous elements to it) without really knowing why they are fighting. I would say this is fiction if reality was not so much like it. Now I am not sure."
  • The nicest webcam views in a world map.
  • Active discussion (189 comments this morning) at kuro5hin: Burning a book before it's printed. The book in question is on the "right" of children to have a sex life. Here political correctness shows its ugly face: totalitarian censorship. What frightens me even more is that almost all commentators want the book banished. I think this subject should be discussed and the more it becomes a taboo theme the more child abuse we will have. Positive thinking in the last contribution: "Nice to know that efforts by religious and governmental groups to squelch this before it could be published just brought more attention to it"


last updated: 9/25/24, 10:42 PM
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XXVIII: 1998 Cat Power - Moon Pix

The other albums Most people voted for Massive Attack's Mezzanine in the poll. ...
by alex63 @ 9/25/24, 10:42 PM

Tom Liwa - Im Tal der nackten Männer (Lyrics)

Es war ein weiter Weg Den Kaiserberg runter bis zu dir Mit Sternen in ...
by alex63 @ 8/14/24, 5:16 PM
Hier geht es weiter. Schon mehr oder weniger seit über 10 Jahren...
by alex63 @ 12/8/21, 5:41 PM
Der Schachchamp hieß entweder Miguel oder evtl. Manuel. Es gab noch eine ...
by alex63 @ 2/23/21, 8:55 AM

mp3 blogs/rotation etc.

Update: The most useful site in this category is the mp3 blog ...
by alex63 @ 1/26/20, 12:23 PM
du hast recht, die angeblichen lifetime forward mailadressen von bigfoot wurden irgendwann ...
by alex63 @ 12/20/19, 11:23 PM
Weil es auch mit John Lennon zu tun hat, würde ich dir ...
by klagefall @ 12/20/19, 4:12 PM
Ich bin doch nicht der Einzige, der die Sun Bear Concerts für ...
by alex63 @ 11/25/19, 8:54 PM
February 2025

03/02 GIANT SAND, F, Brotfabrik............. .

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