close your eyes
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Business as usual

  • Discussion on How to Read Quickly Without Really Trying at kuro5hin. Some tips on how to accelerate your reading skill and how to read more efficiently.
  • FilmWise is a site with a weekly quiz on movie stills. You can guess eight movies per week, the persons are taken out of the stills so that only the clothes can be seen. Quite surreal with the dresses hanging in space and rather difficult (via dekaf).
  • Review of Sheila Hale's book The Man Who Lost His Language on her husband John Hale: "When a great historian lost his speech to a stroke, what remained of him?"... "The mystery is that the huge physical insult to his brain seems to have changed everything about him except who he was. His spirit, as we might once have called it – or his "personality" if we feel we no longer can – survived the general devastation." (via wood s lot). Another review of the book in The Economist.
  • ILM discussion What's up with hating on the Doors where I tried to defend the music of The Doors and Jim Morrison against a huge majority of Doors dispraisers.
  • Via the excellent music weblog Wisdom Goof which is updated daily now and featured the Doors reunion on Friday I found a great music blog called Slow Thrills with another review of Yo La Tengo's Sounds of Science score to the old underwater short films by Painlevé. I'd like to read more of Slow Thrills but a bright font on black background is so awful to read... That really is an attack on my sensitive eyes. Catherine's pita and the Stylus Magazine's blog (in an incredibly small font) are doing the same. How can someone choose a dark colour background scheme? Something to do with Netscape? I use Internet Explorer and these pages turn out almost unreadable. Or are these people night cats?
  • Monosyllabic :: the rotation is an indie music blog worth your attention (via badger).
  • The Rub is another music blog (via somnolence who has redesigned).
  • German: 40.000-Zeichenerguss über den Aufenthalt in einem Swingeretablissement.


last updated: 9/25/24, 10:42 PM
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contact: alex63 at bigfoot dot com
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XXVIII: 1998 Cat Power - Moon Pix

The other albums Most people voted for Massive Attack's Mezzanine in the poll. ...
by alex63 @ 9/25/24, 10:42 PM

Tom Liwa - Im Tal der nackten Männer (Lyrics)

Es war ein weiter Weg Den Kaiserberg runter bis zu dir Mit Sternen in ...
by alex63 @ 8/14/24, 5:16 PM
Hier geht es weiter. Schon mehr oder weniger seit über 10 Jahren...
by alex63 @ 12/8/21, 5:41 PM
Der Schachchamp hieß entweder Miguel oder evtl. Manuel. Es gab noch eine ...
by alex63 @ 2/23/21, 8:55 AM

mp3 blogs/rotation etc.

Update: The most useful site in this category is the mp3 blog ...
by alex63 @ 1/26/20, 12:23 PM
du hast recht, die angeblichen lifetime forward mailadressen von bigfoot wurden irgendwann ...
by alex63 @ 12/20/19, 11:23 PM
Weil es auch mit John Lennon zu tun hat, würde ich dir ...
by klagefall @ 12/20/19, 4:12 PM
Ich bin doch nicht der Einzige, der die Sun Bear Concerts für ...
by alex63 @ 11/25/19, 8:54 PM
February 2025

03/02 GIANT SAND, F, Brotfabrik............. .

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