close your eyes

Some Google stuff

  • Apparently the Google Dance is going on, that is the monthly crawl of Google. You can see this when results of identical queries on the three Google servers www, www2 and www3 are different. The new results are on www2 and www3. After about five days they appear on the Google main server www. I checked the infamous "sx"-query for which I was #4 two months ago with the Google Dance Tool and found that my blog dropped from #16 to #23 on www2 and www3. Funny that the query for "sax", part of the new name, went up at the same time from #23 to #16. Even though I am happy about this development I would like to ask all people (and there are still 20-30 or even more) who use the anchor text "sx and sunshine" to link to my blog, to change it to "sax and sunshine" so that I drop even further for that query. I am still using a redirect script for search engines arriving to this blog to get less dubious visitors. They are deviated to my old home page.
  • A minimal Google search interface which returns 100 results with only the titles and the descriptions when you move your mouse on the titles here.
  • An interesting article on the central Google concept for evaluating the importance of web pages: Pagerank. Google's PageRank and how to make the most of it by Phil Craven (via ho). There I learnt that linking to another site without being linked back decreases your PageRank (PR). It's logical. As your PR is distributed via your links to other sites, a new not reciprocated link decreases the PR of the linked pages who do link back to you which in turn decreases your PR you receive from them.
  • A PageRank Calculator which seems to be more theoretical.
  • Parallax View links to an article on Google I am not going to link to (I would if there would be negative links which decrease the PR of websites). The article is called PageRank: Google's Original Sin and is by a webmaster who is apparently unhappy about the low PR of his sites. He cites Google on their PageRank system: "Votes cast by pages that are themselves important weigh more heavily and help to make other pages important." and then he writes: In other words, the rich gets richer, and the poor hardly count at all. This is not "uniquely democratic," but rather it's uniquely tyrannical. I have never read such rubbish about Google before. This guy should be sentenced to use Altavista for the rest of his life. P.S. The Google Dance wasn't good to me at all, finally. I am now #9 for this bloody query. And the Atomz site search which doesn't work very well anyways is also redirected towards my old home page. I am fed up. I will move to antville soon.


last updated: 9/25/24, 10:42 PM
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contact: alex63 at bigfoot dot com
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XXVIII: 1998 Cat Power - Moon Pix

The other albums Most people voted for Massive Attack's Mezzanine in the poll. ...
by alex63 @ 9/25/24, 10:42 PM

Tom Liwa - Im Tal der nackten Männer (Lyrics)

Es war ein weiter Weg Den Kaiserberg runter bis zu dir Mit Sternen in ...
by alex63 @ 8/14/24, 5:16 PM
Hier geht es weiter. Schon mehr oder weniger seit über 10 Jahren...
by alex63 @ 12/8/21, 5:41 PM
Der Schachchamp hieß entweder Miguel oder evtl. Manuel. Es gab noch eine ...
by alex63 @ 2/23/21, 8:55 AM

mp3 blogs/rotation etc.

Update: The most useful site in this category is the mp3 blog ...
by alex63 @ 1/26/20, 12:23 PM
du hast recht, die angeblichen lifetime forward mailadressen von bigfoot wurden irgendwann ...
by alex63 @ 12/20/19, 11:23 PM
Weil es auch mit John Lennon zu tun hat, würde ich dir ...
by klagefall @ 12/20/19, 4:12 PM
Ich bin doch nicht der Einzige, der die Sun Bear Concerts für ...
by alex63 @ 11/25/19, 8:54 PM
February 2025

03/02 GIANT SAND, F, Brotfabrik............. .

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