close your eyes
[music, songs]


Guy Chadwick repeats one line about twenty times in this song:

This is not my sky

And I always have the impression that he sings this line 3/4 of the time and once in a while he sings

This is not my style

Is this me or Guy?

By the way House of Love were one of the greatest British bands which came after The Smiths. They never had the success they merited. Life is unjust. But they are back, Guy Chadwick and Terry Bickers are playing kind of secret shows in tiny London clubs with balconies obscuring the vision of the stage. Check their unofficial home page by a Swedish fan. Just ignore and/or close the shitty pop-up. What did you expect of a fan page of a loser band like that?

P.S. Yes, I am really disappointed that you never ever commented on my blog, Andrew.


the beatles and the stones...

good news, finde ich. Terry Bickers, den hab ich doch mal mit so einer anderen, echt (entschuldigung für das nun folgende wort) abgespacten gitarrenband gesehen...levitation! oh, das ist aber schon lange her.

soweit ich mich erinnere, waren house of love immer ein bisschen im kampf mit den leuten von nme. vielleicht auch deshalb der ausbleibende erfolg. jedenfalls, danke fürs heraufbeschwören schöner erinnerungen - shine on ist einer meiner alltime-favourites.

... link  


danke (also in English),

jammern bringt ja manchmal doch was. 4 kommentare in 5 stunden, wow. und dann auch noch von einem neuen antvillegesicht. also dein (darf ich?) blog hat es sofort in meine blogroll geschafft, tiefseefisch.

noch zwei, drei infos zu house of love, die ganz interessant sein könnten. in english so that everyone can understand.

  • their name was inspired by a short novel of anais nin called "the spy in the house of love". it is about a married woman and her extramarital sexual encounters with men. jumping from bed to bed searching for her real love. pretty autobiographical of course.

  • guy chadwick was born in hannover, germany. his father was in the british army. guy went to several religious schools in england which was rather traumatising for him. aged 18 he married a jehovah's witness who quit him about ten years later. after a depression not alleviated by drug problems he started house of love. the frequent mention of jesus, god and christianity in his songs makes a lot of sense in the view of all this.

  • judging from the cover there are <a href="jammern bringt ja manchmal doch was. 4 kommentare in 5 stunden, wow. und dann auch noch von einem neuen antvillegesicht. also dein blog hat es sofort in meine blogroll geschafft, tiefseefisch.

noch zwei, drei infos zu house of love, die ganz interessant sein könnten. in english so that everyone can understand.

  • their name was inspired by a short novel of anais nin called "the spy in the house of love". it is about a married woman and her extramarital sexual encounters with men. jumping from bed to bed searching for her real love. pretty autobiographical of course.

  • guy chadwick was born in hannover, germany. his father was in the british army. guy went to several religious schools in england which was rather traumatising for him. aged 18 he married a jehovah's witness who quit him about ten years later. after a depression not alleviated by drug problems he started house of love. the frequent mention of jesus, god and christianity in his songs makes a lot of sense in the view of his past.

  • judging from the cover there are five self-titled house of love albums. two of them are compilations though and one is really called "babe rainbow".

  • i'd call their music magical songwriter guitar pop. there is something awesome and bewitching in it. the sound is very full, amost orchestral and velvet undergroundish (think the 3rd album) at the same time. very hard to resist i find.

... link  


hard to resist,

indeed. thanks for the info. und klar darfst du, my pleasure.

... link  

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last updated: 9/25/24, 10:42 PM
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