close your eyes

Guy Debord

<a href=""guy+debord+is"">is

  • really dead (first 5 results)
  • very instructive in thinking through the problem of the meaning of taking responsibility for your own actions
  • not badly known; he is known as the Bad
  • described through many of his own words
  • the creator of this palindrome
  • published by Jonathan Cape, Random House Group Ltd
  • interviewed on Belgian radio, speaking at length on industrial painting
  • dead, alas
  • so far superior to me
  • alive and well and living in Paris

<a href=""guy+debord+was"">was

  • certainly responsible for the longevity and high profile of Situationist ideas
  • born in 1931 into a family on the point of ceasing to be wealthy
  • a visionary thinker
  • one of the founders of the situationist movement of the 1960s
  • a filmmaker, social critic, and founder and longtime member the Situationist
  • born on December 28, 1931
  • an extraordinarily complicated man: an anarchist and yet a Marxist and a Leninist as well; a heavy drinker and a libertine and yet an autocrat
  • the leading light in the Situationist International
  • , however, not an artist and he was not interested in challenging or shifting perspectives between art and spectator
  • editor of the journal Internationale Situationiste from 1958 to 1969

P.S. Online: the 221 pieces (aphorisms?, mini-essays?, theses?, thoughts?) of Guy Debord's chef d'œuvre La Société du Spectacle (The Society of the Spectacle)


sound: guy debord | SITUATIONISTEN, DOUBLE-7"

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debord rocks out!

I recently came across Debord's "Situationisten" tracks over at UBUWEB and downloaded them without any clear expectation of what I was about to hear. The results are really surprising with each individual track possessing its own distinct qualities. The whole ranges from Artaudesque howling and voice work, through circus barking and on to the sonorous tones of Debord that will be familiar to those who have enjoyed his film narration. Just for good measure the listeners are treated to some percussive musique concrete and a pretty straight rock track! As far as I remember this project isn't mentioned in the Debord biogs so it would be good to track down more information.

I know that Debord wrote and possibly recorded some rabble-rousing 'revolutionary' songs in the sixties. On the debordiana site they used to have the songs and the lyrics (alongside ones by Jacques Le Glou and Alice Becker-Ho) but when I just visited it, I couldn't get to the relevant section. I think I have offline copies of these if anyone is interested! Again, if anyone knows more, I'd be glad to hear in this, the tenth year anniversary of Guy's demise!

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der erste track hört sich gut an. solche geräusche mache ich auch gerne, wenn sich die worte erschöpft haben...

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some situationist comics incl. a user's guide to détournement.

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last updated: 9/25/24, 10:42 PM
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