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Either or

Tonight the questions. Tomorrow my answers. In between yours?

1 Cats or dogs? 2 The Stones or The Beatles? 3 Beer or wine? 4 The city or the countryside? 5 Tea or coffee? 5a Tea with milk or without? 5aa First the milk or first the tea? 5b Espresso with or without sugar? 5ba If with, one or more sugar cubes? 6 Shit or grass? 7 Wagner or Bach? 8 Football or ping-pong? 9 Truffaut or Hitchcock? 10 Adorno or Habermas? 11 Heinrich or Thomas Mann? 12 William Turner or Caspar David Friedrich? 13 Baguette or Pumpernickel?


Cats, Stones, both, city, coffee, with, one, silence, Bach, none, Hitchcock, difficult, Thomas according to the number of books I read from the Manns, Turner, Pumpernickel

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cats [if i had to choose], stones, depends, city, coffee, without, without, grass is more poetic and looks nicer and smells better than shit, bach, football [soccer], hitchcock, hm?, thomas, turner, baguette

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thanks for your contributions, andreas and tom. i am happy and sad at the same time. happy that the only two webloggers i have ever met in my life answered. sad that nobody outside of antville answered. confirming a feeling i had for some time already. antville seems to get more and more an insider place. like a remote mountain village where inbreeding prevails. whatever. here are my answers.

1 Cats or dogs? cats. because they can't be dressed. they have their own mind. it is impossible to anticipate their behaviour. in that they don't differ from women. they are just so much more interesting than dogs. i never had a cat but a friend of mine had a female called beppa. what a majestic walk she had. i think it is the wildness i love in cats. and i don't like dogs too much because they make me think of the third reich. always following their master. up till the end.

2 The Stones or The Beatles? it used to be the stones in my twenties. the beatles seemed too clean, too perfect. but even if mick jagger had killed himself after exile on main street it wouldn't have made a difference for my appreciation now. the stones lack the melodic genius. they always do the same song. they are so one-dimensional. whereas the beatles evolved with each album. and additionally they stopped at the right time. it is impossible for me not to love john lennon but i'd never give a toss about mick jagger.

3 Beer or wine? on a hot summer day after a long bicycle ride in the sun it is beer. but that doesn't happen too much in my life. so it is wine. it widens the horizon of the mindscape (in moderation) whereas beer narrows it. except weißbier.

4 The city or the countryside? très difficile. i have lost interest in the city. it's superficial and unreal. but i still can't get used to living on the countryside. like antville it is a very restricted place. against all odds you can't hide there. and if you still try you are an outsider. and outsiders are not accepted there. whereas it is ok to be an outsider in the city.

5 Tea or coffee? tea. i can't get up without about a liter of black tea in the morning. it’s clearing my mind for the new day.

5a Tea with milk or without? in the morning without. in the afternoon when i am in england with.

5aa First the milk or first the tea? first milk. i like to watch when the milk gets clearer.

5b Espresso with or without sugar? sugar and coffee is maybe the only perfect marriage.

5ba If with, one or more sugar cubes? one is sufficient for me. but i can imagine that the coffee even gets better with more.

6 Shit or grass? just after the time when i used to buy books in order to have the lowest money per page ratio i read about shit being something like ten times stronger than grass. and i thought how could anyone be so stupid to buy grass. because the prices are about the same. like so often i was wrong. grass is it. the smell is so phantastic, the effect is so much more hilarious, it's unbelievable. the unbearable laughter of being.

7 Wagner or Bach? it used to be wagner when i was 16. the parsifal-vorspiel was a real brainfucker. my parents were into bach. for about twenty years it has been bach now. i hardly ever listen to him by choice (except the goldberg variations maybe). but i really enjoy to listen to bach by chance. his music is the union of mathematics and music.

8 Football or ping-pong? ping-pong. i prefer to lose on my own to losing with a team.

9 Truffaut or Hitchcock? truffaut. it's all about the women. and the men watching them. and failing in communicating with them. though when they succeed that is magic. occasionally it happens in truffaut's films.

10 Adorno or Habermas? ich habe schon immer das altmodische bevorzugt. insbesondere in verbindung mit radikalität. und theorien über kommunikation als beweis der eigenen kommunikationsunfähigkeit angesehen.

11 Heinrich or Thomas Mann? probably thomas, der untertan (heinrich's chef d'œuvre) was slightly disappointing, buddenbrooks was great. though thomas books are way too long.

12 William Turner or Caspar David Friedrich? turner. for the vagueness. which gives the viewer more degrees of freedom.

13 Baguette or Pumpernickel? baguette. made in france. the german pumpernickel is better than the german baguette though.

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rabbits / Stones / wine / city / capucchino with sugar / none / Bach / ping-pong / Truffaut / (Habermas?) / (?) / none / baguette.

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der Kommentar ist ja online, trotz Antville-Störung!

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na dann

1 neither nor 2 beatles 3 wine 4 countryside 5 tea 5a without 5aa -- 5b no expresso 5ba -- 6 neither nor 7 bach 8 football 9 hitchcock 10 bollocks 11 thomas 12 tuner 13 baguette

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1 Cats or dogs? cats 2 The Stones or The Beatles? kinks 3 Beer or wine? beer 4 The city or the countryside? city 5 Tea or coffee? coffee 5a Tea with milk or without? without 5aa First the milk or first the tea? 5b Espresso with or without sugar? with sugar 5ba If with, one or more sugar cubes? two 6 Shit or grass? none 7 Wagner or Bach? bach 8 Football or ping-pong? none 9 Truffaut or Hitchcock? fassbinder 10 Adorno or Habermas? adorno 11 Heinrich or Thomas Mann? thomas und klaus 12 William Turner or Caspar David Friedrich? el greco 13 Baguette or Pumpernickel? baguette

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