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[music, songs]

We're rotten fruit

So apparently Radiohead's new aptly titled album Hail to the Thief (Hi Dubya) which is due on June 9th has been leaked to the p2p networks. I do not use these illegal devilish systems (just joking) but I stumbled over an mp3 of the song Backdrifts at Fluxblog. Thank you, Matthew.

Though I have the impression that this song is almost purely electronic it seems to meld natural noises with artificial ones convincingly. The song is dominated by a mystic background sound reminding me of the amplified sound of a shell when you hold it onto your ear: you can hear the roaring ocean. The backbone of the track are the hypnotic (what else did you expect) propelling drums which kick in after 30 seconds together with Yorke's tortured voice. The drumming is precise and robotic like a drum-machine. After three minutes the piano repeats the theme, I wouldn't call it a melody. A trippy haunting track whetting my appetite for this album. I wasn't interested in it at all in the beginning. Somehow I have never looked forward to a Radiohead album but in retrospect they made at least one great one: Amnesiac. Will I ever finish my review of it?

Paul wrote some more not too positive things about the new album at The Rub.

P.S. The album can be downloaded from here. I have read that it is not the final mastered version though. Some interesting impressions on We Suck Young Blood which I haven't heard yet at Sean's (from the Canadian review site tangmonkey) new music blog said the gramophone.

P.P.S. The download link does not work anymore. Too much traffic I guess.


Not too positive...

...but not too negative, either. These songs just sort of leave me with a feeling of "mehhh, whatever." And mediocrity is the greatest evil of all, isn't it?

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is definitely not mediocre. i even prefer it to "everything in its right place". which i find nice and all but somehow too obvious as a tune to love it.

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my last comment

was totally inadequate. there is nothing in radiohead's music which i could ever call nice or which i could ever love. i am very much fascinated by their recent musical output though. it is a fascination by the dark, unconscious depths of the soul. which to me is much stronger in backdrifts than in the kid a song. there is a kind of fatal attraction. they go to places where no-one has been before. that's the exciting thing about their music. and those places are necessarily lonely places, places where there is no sun. cold places. places where there is no life.

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Thanks for the shout-out, Alex. Glad my post left an impression.

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Thanks for this link... I'm listening to Backdrifts right now, and I've heard a few other tunes from the album. Backdrifts has an odd sort of dynamic to it, a bit eraly-90s electro, and Yorke's voice sounds odd... sped up a bit? I don't know what to make of the rest of it yet, but it took me time to get into Kid A too. What I've heard so far has a disorientating feel that bodes well.

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the album is phantastic. maybe not as terrific as amnesiac but still very close to perfect. the tracks show an amazing variety. from jangle pop to ambient, psychedelics, almost hard rock, kitsch ballad, electronic experiments and back. and the alienation factor is high again which is a good thing. i hope i will be able to write something on it tomorrow.

btw i didn't get into kid a yet. morning bell is great though.

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Electric! without a doubt

i believe after downloading the whole of "hail to the thief" (MUAHAHA) that this album totals all radiohead's previous respected albums. with tracks like 2+2=5 and Where I End And You Begin...i found this whole album to overwrap me with ever escending joy... one of my best mates died two days ago, and since then i got the album i been thinking twice about everything in the world. Thom puts in twice as much effort as previous as well as other band members. The guitar bit of the album is superb; actually the most creative guitar album i've heard in a long time. Also i must add that this album is jam packed with variation... you won't believe your own souls. rock n roll to wacky spastic eerie has it all for radiohead fans ;) peace out and my respects to pat...a best mate who will live in the hearts of everyone he knew!

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last updated: 9/25/24, 10:42 PM
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