close your eyes
[music, artists]

One artist/band, one sentence

Some quotes from this funny thread at ILM:

  • Brian Eno: i have ideas and i am proud of it. (j fail)

  • Beck: "The world is a lonely abandoned garage sale." (Nate Patrin)

  • Metallica: "We're jerks." (Alan N)

  • Bardo Pond: "Check out the pedals we'll use for our next song" (donut bitch)

  • Sonic Youth: "Give us our pedals back you fuckers" (Nate Patrin)

  • Kraftwerk 'humans are rubbish except when they invent stuff' (stevem)

  • Boards Of Canada 'remember that place you never went to? remember that feeling you never felt? we do' (stevem)

  • Chili Peppers: "Hey young impressionable ladies, here's my genitals!" (nickalicious)

  • Low: "Would you mind keeping it down? Thanks."</font size> (mark p)

  • The Wedding Present/Cinerama - "I'm mad that she's dating someone else" (Aaron W)

  • Sigur Ros: "Mmmmmmmm, shrooooooooms." (nickalicious)

  • Kate Bush: "My voice reaches no longer to the heavens, but as far as my ceiling". (Nichole Graham)

  • U2: "We rock God, and we know it". (Nichole Graham)

  • Momus: without whose influence music would be as it is today. (Momus)

  • Britney Spears: "I'm not wearing any underwear. But if I was, they'd have pink ribbons and lollipops on them. Except I'm not." (mark p)

  • Steve Malkmus: "You liked me in Pavement." (Sam Jeffries)

  • Shakira: "Your ears say no, but that raging boner says yes." (nickalicious)

  • Miles Davis: while wearing shades in the dark, turns back on audience, says nothing (nickalicious)

  • Pink Floyd: "Crikey, society is full of maladies and ills. We'd better express this awful truth, but beneath a wave of overdubbed guitars and intricate electric piano and post-soul gospel chorus voices to soften this horrible reality to our listeners." (Nate Patrin)

  • The Ramones: "1, 2, 3, 4" (Aaron W)

  • Godspeed You Black Emperor! - "the world is eeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnding....." (Aaron W)

  • the Mountain Goats: "I saw the light hit your face as the smell of the strawberries wafted in from [random geographical location], but i knew it was over but we wanted to hold on." (j fail)

  • The Mekons: "We enjoy failure and ourselves." (j fail)

  • Radiohead: "We don't enjoy anything at all." (Neudonym)

  • McLusky: "These microwave chips are shite." (William Bloody Swygart)

  • Flaming Lips: "But when I walked into the lamp-post for the second time, there were these bright lights in front of my eyes and suddenly it was all beautiful..." (William Bloody Swygart)

  • Scott Walker: "Life's hard even when you're good looking" (Aaron W)

  • Interpol: "we wear designer suits" (Aaron W)

  • Julio Iglesias: "Hello? Hey, pretty laydee... no, no Enrique's not home right now. I'll tell him you called. OK, bye. "Aiii..." (William Bloody Swygart)

  • Philip Glass: "on and on and on (and on and on and on)" (t''t )

  • Depeche Mode - If Jesus were alive today, he'd be a heroin addict. (justin s.)

P.S. My contributions:

  • ZZ Top - The beards, the beer and the blues

  • Sigur Ros - I am a singing whale floating into cosmos with a spaceship driven by the strings of angels

  • Status Quo - Rock will never change.

  • Nick Drake - It's your fault that I'm dead. You bought my records 30 years too late.

  • Joy Division - Please, don't switch on the light.

  • My Bloody Valentine - The art of stopping.

  • Cowboy Junkies - Could you pass me that joint over a little faster, please?


last updated: 9/25/24, 10:42 PM
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