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Dan Emerson on The Beatles Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band in his music/film blog Restate My Assumptions. He presses some more juice out of one of the most squeezed out releases in pop history. Personally I always found that album together with its older brother, the Beach Boys Pet Sounds totally overestimated (Dan anticipated this stance of course). The only memorable things about Sgt Pepper's in my book are the new production methods and the last song: A Day in the Life. Have a look what Dan writes about it:

A Day In The Life reveals real life as a sham; everything’s so strange, meaningless, unreal, and you’re alone. That’s all. This is the loneliest song I’ve ever heard; it’s total solitude, living life on your own and so desperately wanting company, but there’s none there. It’s when Paul starts singing about “Found my way downstairs and drank a cup, and looking up I realised I was late” that it starts to make sense; real life is just a dream, or the dream is real life, and there is no normality, just this odd semblance that stops working, and you see just how meaningless and unstructured and fucked everything is.

Olav Bjortomt in his well written music blog It Makes No Difference... on Gillian Welch's long beautiful ballad I Dreamt a Highway (November, 28th). I have to agree especially to this passage:

The greatest tragedy that befalls the listener is the slow dawning that the chump and schmaltz of similar 'journey' songs like the atrociously moribund and spiritually dead Long and Winding Road are throned and covered by the pop world at large, while songs like these creep under the radar and die because no one is left to remember them. What sort of world do we live in where true beauty is smothered by glamour, superficiality by heart?


Re: Found in the blogosphere

Recently, I've been having a hard time differentiating my nostalgic responses, from actual appreciation, as I listen to 'older' music. Pepper is a good example of the problem. On a rational level, I agree with you; it's not a great album. Except I'd probably want to add Lucy, Within U and A Little Help From My Friends as the other songs of exceptional merit on the record.

That said, Pepper does have this transcendence to it - something beyond just the music. Pepper encapsulates the essence of it's time. And that's where this nostalgia problem comes in. Is a nostalgic reaction to a song less valid, than say, the rush of hearing a novel use of an instrument, or sample? It's one of the most visceral of emotions, this nostalgia, isn't it? The Mooney Suzuki blow me away, but when the Fabs harmonize on She's Leaving Home, the schmaltz and nostalgia combine to produce an equally overwhelming sensation. It's all too much...;-)

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Re: Re: Found in the blogosphere

Rereading my post I must agree to what you say, Deano. I was exaggerating and there are more good songs on Pepper's. My first reaction after I bought that album about 12 years ago (very late I know) was nevertheless disappointment. My expectations were too high as it was heralded as probably the best album of the 60s. But I understand the nostalgia appeal you write about. The thing about the record "encapsulating the essence of its time" is very true as well. But maybe that is my problem. I was four years old when Pepper came out. Therefore I only listened to it much later. Maybe I heard Lucy about 5 or 6 years later on the radio when music had already moved on (not necessarily for the better). I have no relation to the essence of 1965-69. I can only judge Pepper's on how I heard it later on. In its entirety that was around 1990 and at that time most songs sounded dated and bore little interest to me.

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Re: Found in the blogosphere

For sure, I can totally see how hearing Sgt Pepper without the 'baggage' of personal nostalgia would be underwhelming. In fact, the biggest disappointment I had with Anthology was the lack of good alternate material from that period. Even though the album is 'important' - whatever that means - musically, I still wish there was something more going on. I wonder if there is anything left, in the vaults. Probably not, but I can't help wishing...deano

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