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[music, lists]

Which of these albums should I get first?

  • Waits, Tom – Blood Money 16,5
  • Rocket from the Tombs – The Day the Earth Met the Rocket from the Tombs 14,5
  • Woven Hand – Woven Hand 14,5
  • Laurie Anderson – Live at Town Hall 2 CDs 20
  • Neu! - 75 13,75
  • Grandaddy – The Broken Down Comforter Collection
  • 14,25
  • Ryan Adams – Demolition 15,5 (LP 11,25)
  • John Convertino – Sack of Cement 5
  • Calexico – Spoke 12,25
  • Ani DiFranco – So Much Shouting, So Much Laughter, 2CDs 20
  • I Am Spartacus – Forward! 14,75
  • Giant Sand – A Cover Magazine 14,5 (LP 10,75)
  • Black Heart Procession – Amore Del Tropico 15,5
  • No-Man – Heaven Taste 16,5
  • Sonic Youth & ICP & The EX - In the Fishtank 9,75
  • Mountain Goats - All Hail West Texas 16,5
  • Laura Nyro – Eli and the Thirteenth Confession 12,25
  • Piano Magic – Writers without Home 16,5
  • Radar Bros. – And the Surrounding Mountains 16,5
  • Uncle Tupelo – 89/93 Anthology 16,5
  • Low & Dirty Three – In the Fishtank 9,75
  • Nada Surf – Let Go 16,5
  • Grandaddy – The Sophtware Slump 16,5
  • New Order – Back to Mine 17,5
  • Hayden – Skyscraper National Park 15
  • My Morning Jacket – At Dawn 14,25
  • San Francisco: A Music City Compilation 1998, 2CDs 6,5


Re: Which of these albums should I get first?

Grandaddy – The Sophtware Slump.

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Re: Which of these albums should I get first?

well, it's hard to pick /one/ out of the list, but going by the stuff I already own, I reckon one of :

  • the sophtware slump
  • cover magazine
  • low & dirty three's in the fishtank

(hm. radar bros look interesting. i'll have to investigate...)

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Re: Which of these albums should I get first?

Rocket From the Tombs, fer cryin' out loud. That's where it all began...

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Re: Re: Which of these albums should I get first?

That actually is one of my top choices of the list. Rather amazing what was going on in Cleveland in the mid 70s, wasn't it? How do you reckon the new Pere Ubu, St. Arkansas, Paul?

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Re: Which of these albums should I get first?

yeah, i've really been getting into early Pere Ubu lately, and I've listened to St Arkansas a couple of times in shops but the import price is so steep i dunno whether to take the leap...

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Re: Re: Which of these albums should I get first?

St Arkansas isn't as great as it's made out to be. However, it's a vast improvment on anything they've done since the mid-80's (except for maybe Ray Gun Suitcase). But, for Pere Ubu, it must be hard to measure up to your back catalog when your first three albums are as brilliant as they are.

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Re: Re: Which of these albums should I get first?

Did you listen to David Thomas and the Two Pale Boys record Surf's Up, Paul? That is really nice and actually the only album of David Thomas I have. Dark, atmospheric with Thomas haunting voice. A rather sinister road movie. I tried the early Pere Ubu (first two records) but what I heard on listening posts in record shops didn't make me want to buy the albums. What's your favourite Pere Ubu, Paul? Or the best starting point?

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Re: Re: Which of these albums should I get first?

I haven't heard the Surf's Up record, but I've been meaning to. It comes highly recommended by several people. But, that aside, I think my favorite Pere Ubu album is Dub Housing (their 2nd). Apparently, you've already heard it - or parts of it - and it didn't do much for you.

For the record, I say "no" regarding Grandaddy. But I've long been in the minority on this one...

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Re: Which of these albums should I get first?

The Hayden disc is my #1 recommendation; "Skyscraper"'s material is mature and diverse, from the absolutely melancholy (Dynamite Walls) to the strange and sinister (Bass Song) to the joyous (All In One Move).

Next, the Mountain Goats' "All Hail West Texas", if only for the first track.

Next, the new Black Heart Procession.... Haunting and lovely...

The Tom Waits disc isnt very good imho (Alice is vastly, vastly superior), and the Radar Bros album is a real disappointment.

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Re: Re: Which of these albums should I get first?

Thanks for the suggestions. I bought Alice when it came out and somehow only got into it now. A lovely album. 100% Tom Waits though I have difficulties to associate this music to Lewis Carroll's story about the surreal adventures of a young girl.

Concerning the Radar Bros. I actually feared that it couldn't measure up to The Singing Hatchet.

Interesting music site you have there, Marquis, have to check it out more closely.

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Re: Which of these albums should I get first?

Sophtware Slump, absolutely. Fishtank and At Dawn are also good purchases.

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Re: Re: Which of these albums should I get first?

So Sophtware Slump seems to be the favourite of my readers. Which Fishtank do you mean, I guess the Dirty Three & Low one, n'est-ce pas?

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Re: Re: Which of these albums should I get first?

Yes, the Dirty Three/Low project. Worth it for the "Down By The River" cover alone.

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Re: Which of these albums should I get first?

Everybody told this already but "The Sophtware Slump" is a truly great album.

I haven't personnally heard them, but read many good critics over the last few days about the Nada Surf and the Black Heart Procession ones. And the last Piano Magic LP seems to have disappointed some people.

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Re: Which of these albums should I get first?

As I said on the comments for my site, my vote's for the Low + Dirty Three album, which I quite like. I don't know any of the others, unfortunately, except for Neu! '75 which I've only heard once and can't really remember.

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Re: Which of these albums should I get first?

Grandaddy's "The Sophtware Slump" - it has stood the test of time. Not the Ryan Adams, sadly: too short, too patchy.

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Re: Which of these albums should I get first?

A little late for the train (I've just found your site, very nice op-ed!) but I'll chime in on the Black Heart Procession & My Morning Jacket. I've been trying to get into the Ani DiFranco set, but...we're not there yet. Can I suggest adding another release? Seana Carmody's 'Struts & Shocks.' I hope this perma-link works deano

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Re: Which of these albums should I get first?

My Morning Jacket - At Dawn is one of the finest albums of the last two years. A+. Essential.

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