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[music, lists]

Albums from this year Karl Bruckmaier (Bayern 2 Zündfunk, Süddeutsche etc.) gave a five star rating:

  • Fe-Mail "Voluptous Vultures"
  • Toni Kitanovski & Cherkezi Orchestra "Borderlands"
  • TV on the Radio "Return to Cookie Mountain"
  • Matmos "The Rose has Teeth in the Mouth of a Beast"
  • Geoff Muldaur "The Secret Handshake"
  • V.A. "Das Dieter Roth oRchester spielt kleine wolken, typische scheiße und nie gehörte musik"
  • Sufjan Stevens "The Avalanche"
  • Bonnie "Prince" Billy "The Letting Go"
  • Pere Ubu "Why I Hate Women"
  • Kante "Die Tiere sind unruhig"
  • Lambchop "Damaged"
  • V.A. "Paint It Black - Die besten Songs der Rolling Stones"
  • Nina Kinert "Let There Be Love"
  • Gram Parsons "The Complete Reprise Sessions" (6 stars!?)
  • Wreckless Eric "Bungalow Hi"
  • Couch "Figur 5"
  • Die Goldenen Zitronen "Lenin"
  • Ramblin' Jack Elliott "I Stand Alone"
  • Howe Gelb "Sno Angel Like You"
  • Seu Jorge "The Life Aquatic Studio Sessions"
  • Jazkamer "Metal Music Machine"
  • Tullycraft "Disenchanted Hearts Unite"
  • The Red Krayola "Introduction"
  • Be Your Own Pet "st"
  • Woog Riots "Strangelove TV"
  • Archie Bronson Outfit "Dart for my Sweetheart" (CD-Single)
  • Be Your Own Pet "Let's Get Sandy" (CD-Single)
  • Morrissey "Ringleader of the Tormentors"
  • Flaming Lips "At War with the Mystics"
  • Department of Eagles "The Cold Nose"
  • Frank Niehusmann "Day Tracks 1"
  • North Quartet "Malamute"
  • George Clinton "How Late Do You Have 2B B4 UR Absent?"

I only know the Pere Ubu which is wonderful, the Howe Gelb which doesn't work for me and the Lambchop which I haven't warmed up to yet.

P.S. I listened to a couple of the Bonnie Prince Billy songs and some clips from the Morrissey. In both cases I am positively sure that I have enough (& better) albums in my CD and LP shelves of the artists. Sufjan Stevens? TV on the Radio? Flaming Lips? Not at all interested in that kind of bombast. So in the end Bruckmaier's music taste and mine don't seem to overlap a lot. The Ramblin' Jack Elliott must be good though.


I quite like the Bonnie Billy album. You might give Matmos a try - challenging and rewarding. And a lot of fun.

Some other favorites from this year: Fuyija & Miyagi - Transparent Things (derivative, maybe (Can/Suzuki vox, Neu! beats), but I can't stop listening to it) Kiki - Boogybytes Vol. 1 (very very propulsive 'tech-house'-mix cd) Collector Series Pt. 1: The Modernist (another mix-cd. shamelessly romantic & melancholic) The Whitest Boy Alive - Dreams (Erlend Oye's 'band-project'. very simple, but addictive. for me it's all about the sound of the guitar. like he's sitting next to you coming up with the chords on the spot) Hot Chip - The Warning (synth pop extraordinaire. listen to "a boy from school" and try to resist it) Junior Boys - So This Is Goodbye (synth pop extra... erm... out of this world. album of the year i think) Kompakt Total 7 (another great compilation from one of the best labels ever)

there are more, but these are from the top of my head

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thanks for all those suggestions, willem. i don't know anything there. apparently i have lost the connection to current music. i need to get something from the kompakt label to fill that hole a little bit, i think.

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last updated: 9/25/24, 10:42 PM
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