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40 year, 40 albums poll 1973

Which of the following i your favourite album?



i've gone for the roxy music as there's never been a moment when i don't enjoy all of it. sometimes dark, sometimes completely glam - a great record.

others from this year that i loved:

Eno - Here Come the Warm Jets : possibly his best Fripp and Eno - (No Pussyfooting) : another record i can't live without Henry Cow - Legend : at the height of their canterbury jazz rock influences NEU! - NEU! 2 : the 1st of theirs i heard and made even better by the time filling slowed down or sped up tracks Can - Future Days : not my favourite of their but gorgeous none-the-less Family - It's Only A movie : the last stand by a most misunderstood band Lou Reed - Berlin : creepy in more ways than one Slapp Happy - Acnalbasac Noom : when they hit their stride The Stooges - Raw Power : amazingly visceral still Bowie - Pin Ups : an under-rated gem John Cale - Paris 1919 : some of his best songs Dr John - In The Right Place : i hated this at the time but love it's smooth flow now Hatfield and the North - s/t : uk jazz rock at it's best King Crimson - Larks' Tongues In Aspic : a great mix of the pastoral and the frenetic John Martyn - Solid Air : glad he got that echoplex Mott the Hoople - Mott : beer and nuts glam rock with a couple of great tracks The New York Dolls - s/t : you can see johansen prancing as it plays Roxy Music - Stranded : possibly their best record?? Todd Rungren - A Wizard A True Star : too drugged out for it's own good but he was almost unbeatable round these times Stevie Wonder - Innervisions : another great in his prime Harmonia - Musik von Harmonia : the perfect 'krautrock' record Kraftwerk - Ralph and Florian : a bit juvenile but still grand Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon : ubiquetous but sometimes magical The Residents - Meet The Residents : irascible fun Steely Dan - Countdown To Ecstasy : the best of the Dan's early band albums.

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something must have gone wrong with my database there. what happened to here come the warm jets? it was actually one of the three faves together with for your pleasure and dark side before i made the poll. i suppose i changed the year back to 1974 after our discussion on 1974.

stranded i listened to yesterday and hated it. not sure but it seems that i am about to return to my old indifference concerning roxy music. eno somewhere said it was his fave rm album. probably out of modesty or something. only the last two songs were listenable the rest i found far too glam and uninteresting. for your pleasure is the much better album, at least from my pov.

thanks for all the suggestions and apt descriptions, phil. the hatfield record i very much enjoyed some time ago. i am mostly intrigued about no pussyfooting though which i have never listened to. the harmonia album has also been on my wishlist for a while.

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there's something quite visceral about stranded that i continue to love. the slightly straighter compositions compared to the 1st 2 + less glam / more 'realistic' cover or something. 'psalm' has always been a poor spot in their career, though.

no pussyfooting - well, i love it cause it's all tape loops + guitar solos. maybe not your cuppa but... there's a moment in 'swastica girls' that ranks in my all time guitar solos - like a jet crashing.

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maybe it is ferry's voice on stranded which puts me off. it is just too much, too theatrical, too over the top. but the songs as well don't have the hooks and riffs and turns i usually love about rm.

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less glam / more 'realistic' cover less glam, yes but when i looked at the face of the woman last night i thought she was either dead or a doll. no life in her eyes. it fits with the music, i find. it's lifefeless though ferry tries very hard to breathe in some life. to no avail if you ask me. btw i really enjoy this discussion.

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lifeless eyes - well, she IS a model, after all. but i see them more as 'wasted' - she's obviously done a tom hank's a'la cast-a-way and is acting real tired. can you imagine the photographer's direction at the shoot? "look more tired and almost dead, darling". she's definitely less retro looking than the 1st 2 with that gorgeous long late 70s hair.

as for ferry's voice - it's always verged on the histrionic. but i sort of agree about the music although i think it's really just missing that messed up eno sound more than anything else - let's not forget how wonderful the production, arrangements and synth playing are on HCtWJ. on the other hand, that last section of stranded is more beautiful than any other rm moment.

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last updated: 9/25/24, 10:42 PM
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