close your eyes
[music, thoughts]

From A to B

I'd like to make a mixtape where each song ends with the same word with which the following song starts. Let's make a database then. There are about 350 albums in my possession with lyrics sheets (I am surprised how low this number is. Less than one in every seven). That will make 3,500 songs altogether if there are ten songs per album. 3,500 new entries with album reference, song title, first word and last word. That could be a good pastime during the next three days of Pentecoast. The weather probably will be bad so why not?

What would be good choices for A and B? Birth and death? Woman and man? I and you? Here and there?

Will there be enough choices for succeeding songs to make a tape with a nice flow?


sound and silence

can i have a copy?

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sounds like the road to ruin to me. you could easily get lost in the maths...

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this will have to wait. it wasn't much more than an idée fixe anyways. sorry if i raised expectations. i found some other, slightly more exciting things to do this week-end. like working in the garden, reading christian kracht's 1979, watching woody allen's hurting family drama interiors, replaying the chess games of the fearless attacker frank marshall. doing something for my physical shape on the ergometer etc.

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A mix tape like that...

...would no doubt out-Hornby Hornby. It would be like finding some mythical prime number that is also the square root of itself. It would take years. It would be like doing 3 Ph. D's at the same time. Gardening and reading and watching movies are probably a lot healthier. Still, an interesting idea.

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á propos hornby. i have never understood why hornby gets so much spite at i love music. i think in theory i very much like his personal approach to music. at our local book and cd discounter they have his latest book for 5€. 34 songs or however it was called. on his favourite songs. did you read it, brendan? is it worth the cop?

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working in the garden sounds like a much better way to spend one's time really.

another book which captures and questions a slightly too "personal" approach to music is the old finnish asshole a.m. numminen's book "tango on intohimoni" ("tango ist meine leidenschaft" auf deutsch) which i enjoyed reading. for a start, it doesn't miss out on quoting lyrics and applying those to instances in the protagonist's everyday life. then again, approaches to music are always personal, i find. i think the word here is obsession rather, which clearly is something you wanna watch. anyway, if you ever get round to compiling that tape, i'd be interested to know what it is!

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34 songs

No, I haven't read it yet. I'll probably check it out sooner or later but in the last year or two I've read very little. I'm not a big fan, but I appreciate what he's trying to do and think he's a fine, honest writer - a lot better than his detractors anyway.

5 euro for any book is a bargain, at least here in Ireland where it wouldn't even buy you two pints of Guinness!

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last updated: 9/25/24, 10:42 PM
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03/02 GIANT SAND, F, Brotfabrik............. .

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